10 Common Criminal Defense Strategies

In the intricate world of legal defense, a criminal defense lawyer is the cornerstone of any fair trial. Their mastery of various defense strategies can mean the difference between freedom and incarceration for the accused.

In this post, we will delve into the realm of criminal defense, outlining ten common strategies that these skilled advocates employ. We’ll demystify the legal jargon, making it understandable for everyone, whether you’re a law student, someone interested in criminal law, or you simply want to understand the legal process better. Let’s dive in and explore these strategies that play an essential role in the pursuit of justice.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Qualified Defense Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Qualified Defense Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

Top 10 Criminal Defense Strategies to Win Your Case


An alibi is a defense strategy based on the fact that the accused was somewhere else at the time of the alleged crime. This type of defense can be difficult to prove, as it usually requires witnesses or other forms of evidence to corroborate its claims. However, if proven successful, an alibi could result in a case being dismissed entirely.


Innocence is the assertion that the defendant did not commit the crime and can be proven through eyewitness testimony, physical evidence, or other forms of reliable proof. This type of defense works best when there is a lack of evidence linking the accused to the crime. However, it may also prove difficult to prove in some cases, as the prosecution may have sufficient evidence to prove guilt.


The insanity defense is based on the principle that the defendant did commit the crime but was unable to understand right from wrong due to mental illness at the time of the offense. It is important to note that this type of defense only works if there is sufficient evidence of the accused’s mental illness at the time of the crime.


This defense strategy is used when a defendant believes that they were in imminent danger and had no other way to protect themselves from harm. In this type of situation, the defendant must prove that their actions were necessary for their own protection and that they acted in a reasonable manner given the circumstances.

Mistake of Fact

The mistake of fact defense claims that the defendant was mistaken in their belief that they were not committing a crime due to incorrect information or lack of understanding about certain aspects of the law. For example, if someone believes they are legally allowed to carry a firearm in a particular state when it is actually illegal, this could be used as a defense.


Duress is based on the fact that the defendant committed the crime because they were threatened with harm or death if they did not comply. In order for this defense to work, the prosecution must prove that there was an immediate threat of violence, and that the defendant had no other reasonable course of action.


Entrapment is a defense that claims the defendant was coerced by law enforcement into committing a crime that they would not have otherwise done. In order to prove this defense, the accused must show evidence that they were tricked or threatened into committing the act in question.


The necessity defense argues that the defendant had to commit a crime in order to avoid an even greater harm. In this case, the defendant must prove that their actions were justified and necessary given the circumstances of the situation.


This defense is based on the fact that the defendant voluntarily chose not to go through with committing a crime. If evidence can be provided that the accused abandoned their plans or took steps to prevent the offense from being committed, then this defense could be successful.


The consent defense is used when a defendant argues that the alleged victim consented to an act they are accused of committing. This type of defense is typically used in cases involving assault or sexual misconduct and requires convincing evidence that the victim was aware of the potential risks involved.

From alibi to consent, these ten criminal defense strategies are essential tools for any lawyer defending their client in a court of law. It is important to remember that each case is unique and only after examining all the facts can a skilled criminal defense attorney determine which strategy would be most effective in a particular situation.

In Summary

Criminals accused of a crime have the right to be represented by an attorney who understands the ins and outs of criminal defense strategies. A qualified lawyer will assess the situation from all angles, taking into account any mitigating factors that may help their client’s case. As such, it is important for individuals charged with a crime to seek experienced legal counsel to ensure the best possible outcome.

When it comes to criminal defense, knowledge is power. Knowing your rights and understanding the intricacies of the law can help defendants build a strong case for their defense or plea bargain for lesser charges. Understanding these common strategies can also help you become a better informed citizen, deepening your appreciation for justice and due process.

Are you looking for qualified legal representation to fight your Indiana criminal charges? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis today at 317-636-7514 to book an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our legal team is dedicated to fiercely and intelligently defending criminal appeals, while working to secure a reduction or dismissal of your conviction.

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Examining the Impact of Indiana’s Criminal Justice Reforms

Indiana has been in the process of reforming its criminal justice system for several years now, and the results have been promising. The state’s reforms have included reducing sentences for certain nonviolent offenses, investing in alternatives to incarceration, and expanding access to reentry programs. These measures are aimed at reducing prison overcrowding while still maintaining public safety. Additionally, Indiana has invested in programs that focus on helping individuals affected by crime avoid returning to prison after release.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how these changes have impacted Indiana’s criminal justice system and what challenges remain as we continue working towards a more equitable and effective system of justice. We’ll also discuss what other states can learn from Indiana’s experience with criminal justice reform. By understanding the successes and failures of past reform efforts, policymakers across the nation can work together to create lasting change within our country’s criminal justice systems.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Justice Lawyer in Indianapolis IN
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Justice Lawyer in Indianapolis IN

Indiana’s Criminal Justice Reforms Help Reduce Crime

Indiana’s criminal justice reforms have resulted in decreased crime rates across the state. The rate of violent crimes has dropped by nearly 20 percent since 2016, and property crime rates have also declined over the same period. This is especially apparent in areas where more resources are invested in community-based approaches to addressing crime and drug addiction. As a result, fewer individuals are facing incarceration for low-level offenses than before.

Higher Rate of Successful Reentries to Society

Additionally, Indiana has seen an increase in successful reentry outcomes among those who leave prison after their sentence has been served. This can be attributed to the expanded access to resources such as job training programs and substance abuse treatment centers that help these individuals transition back into society without resorting to criminal behavior. By providing people with the necessary support to stay out of prison, Indiana is helping reduce recidivism rates and create a safer environment for its citizens.

Common Challenges Faced by Criminal Justice Reform

Despite these successes, there are still some challenges that must be overcome before Indiana can fully realize its criminal justice reform goals. One such challenge is addressing racial disparities within the system. While African Americans make up just 10 percent of the state’s population, they represent over 30 percent of those convicted of felonies and nearly 60 percent of those incarcerated in Indiana prisons. This disparity is indicative of systemic racism within the criminal justice system and must be addressed if meaningful change is to occur.

Additionally, while overall crime rates have dropped due to reforms, there are still areas where more progress needs to be made. For example, offenses involving firearms have increased in some cities, and the number of homicides has remained largely unchanged from before the reforms began. To better address these issues, Indiana must invest more resources into programs that promote public safety and prevent crime rather than simply relying on harsher punishments for those who break the law.

In Summary

Overall, Indiana has made great strides towards reforming its criminal justice system in recent years. By investing in alternatives to incarceration and providing individuals with necessary support after release, the state has been able to reduce both prison populations and crime rates across the board. However, there is still work to be done in order to fully realize this potential and create a more equitable criminal justice system that works for everyone. Understanding the successes of Indiana’s reforms and taking the necessary steps to address the challenges that still remain is key for other states looking to replicate these results.

Are you a parolee or on probation and wish to appeal or expunge your conviction in Indiana? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free consultation with a licensed appellate lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can start working on your case TODAY.

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How to Make the Most of Your Time on Probation

How to Make the Most of Your Time on Probation

If you’ve been placed on probation, it may feel like a huge burden. You have to follow strict rules and regulations while also dealing with your regular life. But probation doesn’t have to be an overwhelming experience – there are ways to make the most of your time on probation so that you can get back on track as soon as possible. Continue reading for some tips for managing your time while on probation.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Probation Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Probation Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

Tips For Dealing With Being on Probation

Being on probation may feel like a big weight on your shoulders with all the strict rules to follow along with your regular routine. However, there are ways to turn this experience into a positive one, helping you to get back to your life as soon as possible. Here are a few to consider while on probation:

Find a good support system – It is important to find supportive people who will help you navigate this difficult situation, such as family members, friends, or even a mentor.

Follow all instructions from your probation officer – Your PO is there to ensure that you comply with all court orders and stay out of trouble during this period. Make sure you understand what is expected of you and do everything in your power to meet those expectations.

Get legal advice from a criminal defense attorney – An experienced criminal defense attorney can provide invaluable advice regarding how best to handle any issues related to being placed on probation. They can also guide you through the process if any violations occur during this period.

Take advantage of available resources – Many states and communities offer programs that are designed to help people who are on probation. These may range from life skills classes to job training opportunities.

Stay organized – Make sure you keep track of all court documents, meetings with your PO, and any other important requirements that must be met in order for you to successfully complete your probation period.

Take Care of Yourself – Lastly, make sure to take time for yourself during this period as well. Taking care of yourself is just as important as following the rules set forth by your PO, so give yourself the time and space you need to relax and unwind.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your time on probation and get back on track as quickly and safely as possible. 

Tips for Parolees

Parolees often struggle to re-enter society after serving their time in prison. It can be a daunting experience to adjust to life outside of prison walls. However, by following a few tips, parolees may make the process of reintegration easier. First, it is important to establish a support network of friends, family, or community organizations. This support can provide a sense of belonging and help parolees access resources they may need.

Additionally, creating a structured schedule for daily activities such as work, exercise, and hobbies can help build a routine that fosters a sense of normalcy. Finally, maintaining a positive attitude and embracing personal growth can help parolees establish a sense of purpose and direction. With a little encouragement and effort, parolees can successfully transition back into society and become contributing members of their communities.

Are you a parolee or on probation and wish to appeal or expunge your conviction in Indiana? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free consultation with a licensed appellate lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can start working on your case TODAY.

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Understanding the Insanity Defense in Indiana

When it comes to criminal defense, one of the most complicated and controversial strategies is the insanity defense. This legal strategy is designed to challenge an accused person’s responsibility for a crime based on their mental state at the time of committing the act. In Indiana, this plea can be used in court as part of a criminal defense but there are certain criteria that must be met in order for it to be successful.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at how an insanity plea works in Indiana and what you need to know if you or someone you know is considering using this type of defense.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Defender Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Defender Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

Using the Insanity Defense in Indiana

In criminal defense cases, the insanity plea is an important tool that can protect defendants when their mental health is in question. In Indiana, it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was mentally ill at the time of committing the act for which they are accused in order for the insanity plea to be successful. It’s crucial to understand the criteria involved and seek qualified legal help if you or someone you know is considering making use of this type of defense. An experienced attorney can provide valuable insight into what evidence would need to be presented to the court in order for a plea of insanity to stand and work with you or your loved one throughout the process. With legal help, it’s possible to get the best outcome for your case when dealing with the complexities of an insanity plea in Indiana.

What You Need to Know About Insanity Pleas

The first thing to understand about the insanity defense in Indiana is that it is known as an “affirmative defense.” This means that it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was insane at the time of committing the act for which they are being accused. The burden of proof rests firmly on the accused, and in order for them to succeed with this type of plea, they must prove that due to their mental health issues, they had a distorted understanding of reality or were unable to control their actions.

If you or someone you know is considering using an insanity plea in Indiana, there are some important criteria to consider:

– The accused must have been mentally ill at the time of committing the crime.

– They must be able to prove that the mental illness caused the criminal behavior.

– The accused must have been unaware of their actions or unable to control them at the time of committing the crime.

Speak to a Criminal Defense Lawyer

The insanity defense in Indiana is a complex one, and it’s important to seek legal guidance if you or someone you know may need to use this type of defense. A qualified and experienced Indianapolis criminal defense attorney can provide advice on whether an insanity plea could be successful and what evidence would be needed in order for it to stand up in court. Understanding how an insanity plea works and its various criteria can help those facing serious criminal charges determine their best possible options for achieving a favorable outcome.

Are you or a loved one facing serious criminal charges in Indiana? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our law firm will get you the best possible outcome to your criminal case!

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7 Questions You Should Ask Your Criminal Defense Lawyer

If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges, it’s important to take the right steps to ensure that your rights are protected. One of the most important decisions you’ll make during this process is choosing the right criminal defense lawyer who can help get you through this difficult time. However, with so many attorneys out there, how do you know which one is best for your case? Before hiring a criminal defense attorney, be sure to ask these seven questions to make sure they’re the right fit for you.

With these questions answered and an understanding of their qualifications and experience, you can make an informed decision about who will represent your interests in court. Scroll down to get started!

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With an Indianapolis Criminal Attorney.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With an Indianapolis Criminal Attorney.

Questions to Ask a Criminal Defense Lawyer Before Hiring Them

1. What is your experience in criminal defense law?

The most important aspect of finding the right lawyer is determining their level of experience and expertise when it comes to criminal charges. Ask them how long they have been practicing criminal defense law, how many cases they have handled, and what kinds of cases they are well-versed in. Make sure that you feel comfortable with their answer and that you can trust them to handle your case professionally and ethically.

2. Have you tried a similar case before?

Also ask if they have tried a similar case as yours – this will help give you an idea of their success rate and knowledge base when it comes to defending clients against criminal charges like yours. They should also be able to answer questions about jury trials, plea deals, and other courtroom strategies with confidence.

3. What are the likely outcomes of my case?

A good criminal defense lawyer will not make any promises about the outcome of your case – however, they should be able to give you an idea of the range of possible outcomes based on their experience. This can help you understand what you may be facing and what options you have available to defend yourself against criminal charges.

4. How much do you charge for a case like mine?

It’s important to ask upfront about attorney fees so that there are no surprises down the road when it comes time for payment. Ask them exactly how much they charge for a case like yours and what is included in that fee. You should also inquire about any additional costs for things such as filing fees, expert witness testimony, etc.

5. Do you have any references?

References can be an invaluable asset when it comes to choosing the right attorney – ask your potential criminal defense lawyer to provide references from past clients so you can get a better idea of their skill set and commitment to their cases.

6. What is your communication policy?

You’ll want to know how often you can expect updates on your case and if they will be available outside normal business hours in the event of an emergency. Make sure you feel comfortable with their communication policy and find out what methods of communication are available (phone, email, etc.)

7. What would you do differently if you were representing me?

This is a great question to ask any potential attorney as it will give you an idea of how they strategize and what their approach may be in handling your case. It can also allow you to get a better sense of the way they think and whether or not they value your opinion when it comes to making decisions about your defense.

Choose a Reputable Criminal Defense Lawyer to Protect Your Rights and Preserve Your Freedoms

When looking for the right criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis who will fight for the best outcome in your case, it’s important to do your research. Be sure to ask these questions and any others you feel are necessary before making a final hiring decision. If a criminal attorney can competently answer all of them in a language you can clearly understand, then chances are that he or she is qualified and experienced enough to handle your defense.

Are you looking for the right defense lawyer for your case? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our criminal attorneys will get you the best possible outcome to your criminal case!

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A Guide to Understanding Your Rights in Criminal Court

Navigating the criminal court system can be a daunting and confusing experience. Understanding your rights as an accused person is essential to ensure that you receive fair treatment throughout the process. Having a criminal defense lawyer on your side can help you understand what you are entitled to, but it’s important for every individual facing charges to have at least a basic understanding of their rights in criminal court.

This guide will provide an overview of some of the key aspects of navigating the criminal justice system so that individuals know what they should expect during trial.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

What You Want to Know About Indiana Criminal Court

Those in Attendance

First, it’s important to understand the roles of the key players in criminal court. The judge is responsible for overseeing the proceedings and ensuring they are conducted ethically and according to the law. The prosecutor is responsible for presenting evidence against the accused and attempting to prove that the defendant is guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The defense lawyer works on behalf of their client to challenge any evidence presented by the prosecution, as well as present any relevant evidence that could help exonerate their client. Finally, a jury of peers will make a decision based on all of the evidence presented.

Constitutional Rights

Every defendant has certain constitutional rights during trial, such as protection from self-incrimination and unreasonable searches and seizures. They also have a right to be represented by an attorney and to challenge any evidence presented against them. Additionally, the burden of proof is on the prosecution to demonstrate that the defendant is guilty beyond reasonable doubt—the court will not assume guilt unless this standard is met.


In criminal court, defendants are often required to enter a plea in regard to their charges. It’s important for individuals facing criminal charges to understand the different types of pleas they can enter, as well as the consequences associated with each one. Generally, defendants can plead innocent or guilty, as well as no contest if they wish not to contest their charges but still acknowledge potential guilt.

Talk to a Criminal Defense Attorney for Personalized Legal Advice

Navigating criminal court can be complicated and it’s essential that individuals facing criminal charges have an understanding of their rights and responsibilities throughout the process. Working with a skilled Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer can provide invaluable guidance and support, however it’s important for individuals to have both knowledge of their rights and access to competent legal representation in order to ensure that they receive fair treatment during trial. Having the information needed to make informed decisions about pleas, evidence, and other aspects of criminal court can significantly improve the chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

Hopefully this guide has provided some helpful information about what to expect during criminal court proceedings. Understanding your rights is essential when navigating any aspect of the criminal justice system. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. Meet with us by phone or in person at our law office, conveniently located in Downtown Indy.

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How to Find a Dependable Criminal Attorney Near You

Finding a dependable Indianapolis criminal defense attorney who you can trust is essential if you are facing Indiana criminal charges. But how do you know who to choose? How do you find someone who is both qualified and reliable? That’s the catch. Fortunately, there are ways you can get yourself a great crime lawyer without making any mistakes along the way.

Continue reading to learn some informative tips to help you narrow down your search and find the perfect criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis for your legal matters.

To Speak With a Certified Indiana Criminal Defense Lawyer, Call 317-636-7514 Today!
To Speak With a Certified Indiana Criminal Defense Lawyer, Call 317-636-7514 Today!

Tips for Hiring a Good Defense Lawyer in Indiana

If ever you find yourself facing criminal charges, it is of the utmost importance to locate an Indianapolis criminal attorney whom you can trust. Yet how do you determine which lawyer is ideal for your individual situation? Who should be the one representing your interests in court? With a myriad of lawyers available, who will have your back and ensure that justice prevails?

Here are a few tips to help you find the right criminal defense lawyer for you:

1. Do your research. Look for attorneys who specialize in criminal law and have experience defending clients in court. Ask friends, family, and colleagues for referrals, or do a quick online search to find reviews from past clients.

2. Schedule consultations with several different lawyers. This is your chance to ask questions and get a feel for their personality and approach to law. This is your opportunity to make inquiries and become familiar with their character and attitude towards the law.

3. Trust your gut feeling. When all else is equal, go with the attorney you feel most comfortable with. After all, you’ll be working closely with this person throughout your case.

At the end of the day, finding a dependable criminal attorney can be a long and stressful process – but it’s well worth the effort. Having an experienced legal professional on your side can make all the difference in court.

Are you in need of an adept criminal defense lawyer to battle your Indiana or Federal criminal allegations? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting with our experienced Indianapolis criminal defense law firm. We can hold meetings over the phone or in person at our Indy-based office.

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How to Prepare for Going to Jail

In last week’s blog, we discussed the different costs and expenses associated with going to jail. But aside from portending a budget during your sentence, there are other ways you should be preparing for extended incarceration. Continue below to learn how to prepare for going to jail in Indiana, plus where to get trusted legal advice for criminal appeals in Indianapolis.

Call Our Indianapolis Criminal Appeals Lawyers at 317-636-7514 Today.
Call Our Indianapolis Criminal Appeals Lawyers at 317-636-7514 Today.

Preparing for a Jail Sentence is Strategic

Now that you have been sentenced and know when you will be going to jail, it is important to start preparing yourself mentally and emotionally. Going to jail is a daunting experience. It can be hard to know what to imagine, and even harder to prepare for it. But by knowing what to expect and preparing for it ahead of time, you can make the process much easier on yourself. Let’s discuss what you need to do both before and after you go to jail.

What to Do Before You Go to Jail

Before going to jail, you should make sure that all of your affairs are in order. You will need to have someone take care of your property and pets, and you may want to say goodbye to your loved ones. It is also important to prepare your finances; you will likely be unable to work while you are in jail, so you will need someone to help manage your money.

You will likely feel scared, anxious, or alone – but it is important to remember that there are people who care about you and want to help. Talk to someone about how you’re feeling, read books or articles about incarceration, and find a support group made up of people who have gone through the same thing as you.

One of the most important steps to take before going to jail is to hire a certified and experienced Indianapolis criminal appeals lawyer. A criminal appeals attorney may be able to build you a strong and impactful defense to reduce your jail sentence or have you released altogether. They are your best chance at reducing or avoiding jail time.

As You Approach the Day of Surrender

When the time comes for you to actually go to jail, try not to spend too much time worrying about what might happen. Jail can be unpredictable, so it’s best not to dwell on things that might not happen. Instead, focus on making the most of the situation and doing whatever it takes to get through it safely and successfully.

Once You Are in Jail

When you get to jail, be sure to follow all instructions and rules. Respect the guards and other inmates and do your best to avoid trouble. Follow the facility’s guidelines, obey orders, and don’t break any laws while you are in jail. It is also important to take care of yourself physically. Make sure you eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep.

Jail is not meant to be a walk in the park for a reason, so there will be some hardships along the way no matter how much you have prepared yourself. Just remember: no matter how difficult your situation is, know that you are not alone. There are people out there who care about you and want to help. If you ever need someone to talk to or just need a friendly ear, reach out for help – it could make all the difference in getting through this experience safely and successfully.


Ultimately, going to jail can be a scary experience and it is important to prepare yourself both mentally and physically before you go. Make sure that your affairs are in order, talk to someone about how you’re feeling, stay out of trouble while in jail, and take care of yourself physically. With the right preparation, you can make the most of your time in jail and come out stronger on the other side.

It is important to remember that you don’t have to go through this process alone; there are many resources available if you need help. Whether it be an Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer, mental health professional, or support group, do not hesitate to reach out for assistance. Additionally, it can be beneficial to talk to those who have been through similar experiences within the jail system. You don’t have to go through this alone and you can make it out a better person if you take the right steps.

Are you ready to appeal your conviction so that you may avoid jail time altogether? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis today at 317-636-7514 to book an appointment with our knowledgeable criminal appeals law firm in Indianapolis, Indiana. We offer aggressive and intelligent criminal defense for appeals and can fight for your rights to a reduced or dismissed conviction. Whether you’d like a virtual or in-person meeting, we have your back from our Indy office!

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Facts About the Cost of Going to Jail

How much does it cost for a person to go to jail in Indiana? This is a question that doesn’t have a straightforward answer, as the cost of incarcerating someone can vary greatly depending on the county in which they are imprisoned. However, according to recent data from IN.gov, the average daily cost of jailing an inmate in Indiana is $52.61 per day. This means that the annual cost of imprisoning someone in Indiana averages out at around $19,202.65.

These costs are absorbed by taxpayers and come in the form of court fees, police salaries, housing costs, health care-related expenses, and other associated costs. The cost of incarcerating someone is significantly higher than the cost of providing early intervention services such as mental health treatment or drug abuse programs that could improve an individual’s chances for rehabilitation.

Continue reading to learn more.

To Speak With a Certified Indiana Criminal Defense Lawyer, Call 317-636-7514 Today!
To Speak With a Certified Indiana Criminal Defense Lawyer, Call 317-636-7514 Today!

How Much Does Jail Cost in Indiana?

The cost of jail in Indiana is an expensive burden to bear for those who are incarcerated. In addition, the costs associated with the incarceration process can be quite high, depending on the length of time spent behind bars, the types of services or programs needed while in custody and other factors.

In Indiana, one of the primary expenses associated with incarceration is the cost of housing an inmate. Jail space must be paid for in most cases and this cost can range from $20 to $100 per day, depending on the institution and its type. This means that a person serving a lengthy sentence could incur thousands of dollars in costs just to remain behind bars.

In addition, there are also additional costs associated with Indiana’s incarceration system. For example, inmates may be required to pay a fee for medical care, treatment and/or counseling while in jail. In some cases, an inmate’s family may also be charged fees related to visitations or other services they receive while in custody.

Finally, those who are convicted of a crime in Indiana must pay restitution to the victims involved in their cases. Restitution payments can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars and must be paid in full before an individual is released from custody.

Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer to Reduce Incarceration Costs

The cost of incarceration in Indiana can be a significant financial burden for those who have been charged with or convicted of a crime. It is important for those who are facing incarceration to understand the potential costs associated with the process in order to ensure they are fully prepared to handle them. In addition, consulting a qualified criminal defense attorney can help individuals better understand their rights and legal options before going to trial.  With proper guidance and representation, individuals may be able to minimize the financial consequences of an incarceration sentence.

Are you facing criminal charges that will most likely post jail time in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting with an experienced Indianapolis criminal defense attorney who can get you the best possible outcome for your case. We can hold meetings over the phone or in person at our Indy-based office.

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Top 3 Questions To Ask Your Indiana Criminal Defense Lawyer

When you are arrested in Indiana, it is important to have a criminal defense attorney to represent you in court. A good attorney will be able to help get your charges reduced or dropped and may even be able to help you avoid jail time. Although finding the right criminal defense attorney can be difficult, it is worth the effort. Once you find a certified criminal lawyer, it is important to know how to work with them in order to obtain the best possible results in court.

Continue below to learn the top three questions to ask your Indiana criminal defense lawyer.

Call 317-636-7514 for Criminal Defense Legal Help in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-636-7514 for Criminal Defense Legal Help in Indianapolis Indiana.

Ask Your Criminal Defense Attorney These 3 Questions

1. What Should I Do If I’m Arrested for a Crime I Didn’t Commit?

If you are arrested for a crime that you did not commit, the first thing you should do is remain calm and silent. Do not answer any questions from the police until you have spoken with an attorney. You may also want to ask to see the warrant for your arrest, and ask what you are being accused of. If you are able to, try to get evidence of your innocence, such as witness statements or video footage. If you are unable to post bail, try to stay positive and hopeful that you will be exonerated.

It is important to hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. Your attorney can work on your behalf to protect your legal rights and build a strong case for your innocence. A lawyer will help you understand the charges against you, explain any defenses that may be available to you, and advise you of any plea options or sentence negotiations.

Your lawyer will also work to secure the best outcome for your case, whether that is a dismissal of all charges or a not guilty verdict. He or she may be able to negotiate an agreement with prosecutors in order to minimize any penalties or fines you might face. Your attorney will also be responsible for gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses on your behalf.

No matter the outcome of your case, always remember that you have rights and resources available to you. If you are wrongfully accused of a crime, it is important that you remain calm and seek legal counsel as soon as possible. With the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney, you can fight for justice and a fair result.

2. How Can You Help Me Fight the Charges Against Me?

There are various strategies that a crime lawyer may use to try to get criminal charges dismissed or reduced for their client. One strategy is to argue that the person was acting in self-defense. The lawyer may also try to show that the person did not actually commit the crime, or that there is not enough evidence to support the charges. If the case goes to trial, the lawyer may argue that the prosecution has not met its burden of proof.

Another strategy is to get certain evidence excluded from the case. This can include illegally obtained evidence, or evidence that was gathered without proper procedures being followed. The lawyer may also argue that statements made by the defendant were obtained through coercion or other improper means. The lawyer may try to negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor. This means that the defendant may plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a lighter sentence. This can be beneficial in cases where the prosecutor has strong evidence and there is a risk of conviction at trial.

Finally, the lawyer may focus on mitigating circumstances to try to reduce their client’s punishment after they have been found guilty. They may try to demonstrate that the client is remorseful for their actions, or that they are starting to take steps toward rehabilitation. This can be an effective way of reducing a sentence from what it otherwise might have been. These are just some of the strategies that a lawyer may use when fighting criminal charges.

3. What are the Possible Consequences of Being Convicted of This Crime?

If you are convicted of a crime in Indiana, there are a number of possible consequences that could follow. You could be incarcerated, fined, or ordered to perform community service. Your criminal record could also follow you for the rest of your life, making it difficult to find a job or rent an apartment. In addition, you may be ineligible for certain government benefits, such as student loans or food stamps.

In some cases, you may also be ordered to pay restitution to the victim of a crime. This could involve making payments for medical costs, replacing stolen items, or providing other forms of financial assistance for their losses. In addition, you may lose your right to vote or own firearms if convicted of certain felonies.

It is important to understand the potential consequences of a criminal conviction in Indiana before making any decisions. For this reason, it is strongly encouraged to work with a qualified criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis who can help you better understand your rights and options. Ultimately, it is wise to remember that being convicted of a crime can have serious and life-altering consequences.

It is also important to remember that you may have legal options to minimize or avoid consequences. Depending on the charge, a plea bargain or other agreement could be possible. For example, if charged with a felony, you may be able to plead guilty to a misdemeanor and receive probation instead of incarceration. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can help you understand your rights and options in these cases.


No matter the situation, it is important to remember that being convicted of a crime in Indiana can have serious consequences. Taking the time to properly understand the potential consequences of a conviction can save you from long-term repercussions down the road.

It is important to work with an experienced attorney who can help you understand your rights and legal options after an arrest. Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our law firm will get you the best possible outcome to your criminal case!

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