Tips for Being Deposed for a Criminal Case

A Notice of Deposition is simply a legal phrase that describes a formal meeting that involves a recorded interview under oath. If you received one, it means that you are being asked to provide answers under oath as a witness to a case. It is a formal, recorded, interview session that is used for two primary reasons: to learn what you know pertaining to the case in question, and as evidence for later use. Either parties in a lawsuit can have anyone provide a deposition 20 days after the lawsuit is filed. Even if you have nothing to do with the lawsuit or the parties involved, you can still be asked to come in for a deposition since the Indiana Rules of Trial Procedure allows authorities to do so.

Continue reading to learn some tips on how to prepare to give a deposition regarding a criminal case.

Criminal Defense Law Firm 317-636-7514
Criminal Defense Law Firm 317-636-7514

Deposition Tips

Depositions are not meant to be comfortable. In fact, you can expect to feel a bit of discomfort while being interviewed during a deposition session. However, if you follow these simple tips, it can relieve some of the pressure and anxiety you might feel prior to and during your interview.

Prepare Yourself – Meet with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer who can guide you through the process and provide you with the information you need to fully defend your deposition.

Be Honest – Always be 100% honest and tell the truth. Remember, you are under oath and can be penalized under law if caught telling a lie.

Remember the Transcript – While being deposed, keep in mind that every word is being transcribed. Avoid using slang words and short, inaudible responses such as “uh huh” and “yea.”

Only Answer the Given Question – When being asked a question, only answer that question. Do not volunteer additional information related to subjects in the question.

Do Not Guess or Speculate – In addition to telling the truth, be sure to only provide the information that you know when being asked a question. Never make guesses or speculations.

Do Not Offer Assistance – During the interview process, do not offer the examiner any sort of assistance in collecting additional evidence or information related to the questions being asked of you.

Don’t Tolerate Bullying – Do not tolerate being bullied or intimidated. Examiners do not have the right to use aggressive or inappropriate methods to get information from those being deposed.

Remain Calm – During a deposition, remain relaxed to show that you are in control of your emotions. Erratic behaviors and aggravation can cause examiners to doubt the veracity of your answers.

Questions About Your Indiana Criminal Case?

Call Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your Indiana criminal charges with a seasoned Indianapolis criminal defense attorney you can trust. We work around the clock to ensure your rights are protected and your freedoms are preserved. You can avoid the maximum penalties for your charges with our aggressive legal representation!

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