What You Should Know Before Attending an Appeal Hearing in Indiana

Are you considering filing an appeals case in Indiana? If so, it’s important to be aware of the appeals process and what you need to do before attending a hearing. The appeals process can seem overwhelming at first, but with the help of a knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer or appellate attorney, your chances of success are much greater.

Continue reading to learn what you should know about appeals hearings in Indiana and how best to prepare for one.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Appeals Lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Appeals Lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Understanding the Appeals Process in Indiana

The Indiana Court of Appeals Process

The appeals process in Indiana is relatively straightforward, but it’s important to understand what you need to do for each step of it. An appeals case begins when a party files an appeal with the appropriate court. From there, the appeals court will review the case and issue a ruling.

Gather Your Evidence and Arguments

Before attending a hearing, make sure you have all of your evidence and arguments ready. This includes any documents or other evidence that could support your argument as well as legal precedents that may bolster your claim. You should also prepare yourself to answer questions from judges or opposing counsel during the hearing if necessary.

Hire an Experienced Criminal Appeals Lawyer

An appeals hearing can be an intimidating experience, and it’s best to have a knowledgeable criminal appeals attorney on your side. A good Indianapolis appellate lawyer will know the appeals process inside and out, as well as how best to present your case in front of a judge or appeals court.

Prepare for Questions from the Appeals Court

Appeals courts may ask questions during the hearing that could challenge your arguments or evidence. Make sure you are prepared to answer any questions from the appeals court with confidence and clarity.

You Can Ensure a Better Chance at Success

Appeals hearings can be daunting experiences, but with proper preparation, you can make sure that your case is presented in the best possible light. If you’re considering filing an appeal in Indiana, contact an experienced criminal appeals lawyer in Indianapolis to discuss your options. They can guide you through the appeals process and help ensure that your case is heard in front of the appeals court. With their expertise, you’ll have a much better chance of success!

Are you ready to appeal your conviction so that you may avoid jail time altogether? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis today at 317-636-7514 to book an appointment with an experienced criminal appeals lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our legal team is devoted to providing astute and aggressive criminal defense for appeals, all while fighting for your entitlement to a reduced or dismissed conviction.

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