DUI Misdemeanor
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DUI Misdemeanor Defense in Indiana

In Indiana, a first offense DUI is classified as a misdemeanor, with penalties that vary depending on the class of misdemeanor it is. A first time DUI is generally a Class C misdemeanor, but can increase to a Class A or B with enhancements. And with prior drinking and driving convictions, misdemeanors can increase to felonies. It is important to talk to a trusted Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer to learn your rights after being charged with your first DUI. Attorney, David E. Lewis is the advocate you need to beat your DUI misdemeanor charges and secure a better future for you and your family.

Call Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to Schedule an Administrative
Hearing with the BMV and Preserve Your Driving Privileges!
There are four basic DUI misdemeanors offenses in Indiana (see below). These four misdemeanor DUI crimes differ from one another in terms of penalization and are contingent on individual case circumstances. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor DUI in Indianapolis, call Attorney David E. Lewis for guidance and knowledge you can trust. He never uses confusing legal jargon when discussing his client’s case, but rather, speaks in a language they can clearly comprehend. Start with a FREE CASE EVALUATION today, and learn about misdemeanor DUI’s and the particular charges you face for your arrest.
The 4 Misdemeanor DUI Offenses in Indiana:
Per se DUI misdemeanor charges occur when a person is under the influence of alcohol and their levels of alcohol are evident by means of breath testing and blood alcohol testing. Intoxicated charges for DUI misdemeanors suggest that a driver had an illegal level of substance in them, either controlled or alcohol, which caused them to be intoxicated. This can include illicit drugs, prescription drugs, OTC drugs, and alcohol.
(1) Class C Misdemeanor Per Se
This misdemeanor involves the amount of alcohol on a person’s breath and in their blood, as well as, the type of controlled substances in the blood.To be charged with a Class C misdemeanor, a person must have a BAC level of 0.08% to 0.15% at the time of arrest.
(2) Class A Misdemeanor Per Se
This misdemeanor only involves the amount of alcohol on a person’s breath and in their blood. To be charged with a Class A DUI misdemeanor, a person’s BAC must be 0.15% or higher at the time of arrest.
(3) Class C Misdemeanor Intoxicated
This misdemeanor concerns the law against driving while intoxicated. The term, “intoxicated” refers to being under the influence of a controlled substance, alcohol, drug, or a combination of any, that causes loss of normal control and impaired judgement and action.
(4) Class A Misdemeanor Intoxicated
This misdemeanor occurs when a person is proven to be intoxicated while driving, and in doing so, put another life in danger.

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