The Sobering Truth: A Deep Dive into Drunk Driving in Indiana

Drunk driving is a critical issue that plagues societies across the globe, and sadly, Indiana is no exception. A crime that is preventable, it poses grave dangers not only to those behind the wheel but to innocent bystanders and other road users as well.

This blog sheds light on the sobering and stark reality of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) in Indiana, unearthing the unnerving statistics and the comprehensive efforts being made to combat this life-threatening issue. Join us as we embark on this enlightening journey, understanding the intricate complexities and profound implications of drunk driving in our local communities.

Call 317-636-7514 if You Need a Skilled Drunk Driving Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 if You Need a Skilled Drunk Driving Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

Drunk Driving in Indiana: A Troubling Reality

According to the CDC, alcohol-impaired driving accounted for 29% of all motor vehicle traffic fatalities in the United States in 2018 alone. That is a staggering 10,511 deaths nationwide due to drunk driving in one year. The numbers are even more concerning when we look at Indiana’s statistics specifically. In 2019, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute (ICJI) reported that Indiana had 545 DUI arrests, 519 DUI crashes, and 64 DUI fatalities.

These figures have been growing steadily over the past few years; in 2018 there were 496 DUI arrests and 497 DUI crashes statewide. In addition to this, the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute also revealed that alcohol was involved in 64.5% of all fatal crashes in Indiana for 2019, which is an alarming statistic indeed.

The repercussions of drunk driving are far-reaching; beyond the tragedy befallen on innocent victims and their families, DUI convictions also have serious legal and financial consequences. Depending on the specifics of the case, a DUI can result in suspension or revocation of a driver’s license or CDL.

Understanding Indiana’s Drunk Driving Laws

In order to understand the gravity of a drunk driving conviction in Indiana, it is essential to know the relevant DUI laws. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit for drivers over 21 years old is 0.08%, and the limit for those operating commercial vehicles is 0.04%. If an individual’s BAC exceeds either of these limits, they can be arrested and charged with drunk driving.

In addition to this, Indiana also has an ‘implied consent’ law which states that any individual operating a vehicle within the state is required to provide a chemical test sample if asked by a law enforcement officer. This could include a breathalyzer test or blood sample, which is performed at a local clinic.

Battling the Issue: What is Being Done?

Indiana does not take the issue of drunk driving lightly and has taken steps to ensure that those who do drive under the influence are punished accordingly. The penalties for violating Indiana’s DUI laws depend on the number of infractions as well as BAC level but can be severe. For example, a first-time offense can result in fines up to $500, 1-year license suspension, and even imprisonment.

In order to combat the issue of drunk driving, Indiana has also implemented several public awareness campaigns such as ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ and ‘Arrive Alive’ which aim to educate people about the dangers of impaired driving. The state has also implemented several other initiatives such as ignition interlock devices (IIDs), which require drivers to provide a breath sample before the car can start, and zero-tolerance laws for those under 21 years of age. All of these efforts are aimed at reducing the number of drunk driving incidents in Indiana and ensuring that our roads remain safe for everyone.

What to Do if You Get a DUI

 If you are facing a DUI charge in Indiana, the best thing to do is to contact an experienced and qualified attorney. The consequences of a drunk driving conviction can be severe and require complex legal assistance. An experienced DUI lawyer in Indianapolis can help you navigate the process and provide effective representation throughout the case.

It is also important to take steps to reduce the likelihood of getting a DUI in the first place. These include not drinking and driving, having a designated driver if attending an event where alcohol is present, knowing your BAC limit, and understanding Indiana’s drunk driving laws. Taking these steps can help you stay safe and avoid the potential consequences of a DUI conviction.

The Takeaway

Drunk driving is a serious issue in Indiana, and it’s essential that everyone understand the consequences of their actions before getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. With comprehensive laws and stringent enforcement, Indiana is making strides to reduce DUI incidents across the state, but we all must do our part to ensure that these efforts are successful. It is our duty as responsible citizens to be aware of the risks of driving under the influence and make smart, informed decisions in order to promote safe roads and save lives. If you are arrested for a DUI, then hire a lawyer pronto.

You only have 10 days from the time of DUI arrest to save your driving privileges. Besides that, you need a strong defense to get you the best possible outcome in court. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis today at 317-636-7514 to meet with an experienced DUI defense attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our legal team is dedicated to fiercely and intelligently defending criminal appeals, while working to secure a reduction or dismissal of your conviction.

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