Navigating Drug Possession Laws in Indiana: A Guide for Hoosiers

While the topic might not appear to touch everyone’s daily life, drug possession laws in Indiana are far-reaching. Whether you’re a resident, law enforcement officer, or legal professional, understanding the intricacies of these laws can be critical. From recognizing the scope of drug schedules to comprehending potential penalties and available defense strategies, this guide aims to shed light on what you need to know about drug possession in the Hoosier state.

But first, why the fuss? Possession charges, depending on the substance and amount, can lead to fines, probation, and even incarceration. This is a topic that deserves our undivided attention – not as a sensational scare tactic, but as the foundation for informed and responsible citizenry in Indiana. In this expansive post, we’ll break down, step by step, what drug possession laws mean for you or a loved one, should you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstances of facing these charges.

Call 317-636-7514 When You Need a Skilled Drug Possession Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 When You Need a Skilled Drug Possession Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana

Indiana’s Drug Possession Laws

Indiana’s drug possession laws are based on maintaining public safety and health, with an emphasis on reducing drug-related harm. The state classifies drugs into different schedules, determining the severity of possession charges and penalties based on potential for abuse, recognized medical benefits, and other factors.

Drug Schedules

Indiana adheres to a five-level drug schedule, each level representing a particular class of substances. Schedule I includes drugs with a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use, such as marijuana and LSD. At the other end, Schedule V drugs are considered to have a low potential for abuse and accepted medical use, like certain cough medicines.

Drug Possession Charges

Your understanding of the drug schedule is crucial, as it dictates the legal consequences of possession. Higher scheduled drugs lead to more severe charges. For instance, possession of a schedule I or II controlled substance like heroin can result in a Level 5 felony charge, carrying a potential sentence of up to six years in prison and a fine of $10,000.

How Indiana Law Deals With Drug Possessors

The Indiana code provides specific definitions and penalties for drug possession. However, the state’s approach is not solely punitive; it offers diversion and drug court programming to support rehabilitation efforts.

Marijuana Possession and Indiana Law

Possession of marijuana is regulated by its own set of laws, with recent changes that have decriminalized small amounts for personal use. Despite this, penalties still exist, especially when dealing with greater quantities or in the presence of children or near schools.

Controlled Substances and Their Penalties

The possession of controlled substances, as defined by the schedules mentioned earlier, is strictly regulated. Understanding the nuances of these laws is critical to building a defense or discussing a plea.

Misuse of Prescription Medications

Dealing with prescription drugs, even those legally obtained, without a valid prescription can lead to criminal charges. The state pays close attention to the trafficking and abuse of such substances, particularly those classified under the controlled substance schedules.

Strategies for Defending against Drug Possession Charges

Being charged with drug possession is not the end of the story. There are legal avenues to explore for a robust defense, which includes challenging the legality of the search and seizure that led to the charges, disputing the actual possession or the substance in question, or claiming the drugs were someone else’s and not within your control.

Search and Seizure Challenges

Illegal searches that violate your rights can lead to a favorable outcome in your case. If drugs found in your possession were the result of an unlawful search and seizure, the evidence might be inadmissible in court.

Disputing Possession

Proving actual possession – meaning the drugs were on your person – can be a high bar for the prosecution. If the substances were in an area accessible to multiple individuals, it might be challenging to prove who had actual control over them.

Substance Disputes

The state must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the substance in question is the controlled substance they claim it to be. This can include challenging the accuracy of drug tests, especially in cases where only a small amount is present.

The “It’s Not Mine” Defense

While this can be more difficult to prove, establishing that the drugs didn’t belong to you and were not in your control can be a valid defense. Typically, this argument should also provide a plausible explanation of why you were in possession of the substance or how it ended up where it was found.

Indiana Drug Court: A Path to Rehabilitation

The Indiana drug court program offers an alternative to traditional sentencing, focusing on rehabilitation and treatment. Entering a drug court program, if eligible, could lead to a reduction or even dismissal of charges upon successful completion.

Eligibility and Requirements

Eligibility requirements for drug court include certain criminal history criteria and a substance abuse assessment. The program requires regular court appearances, random drug testing, and active participation in a treatment plan.

Benefits of the Drug Court Program

Participation in drug court can lead to reduced charges, shorter sentences, or even the dismissal of charges. The program emphasizes recovery and skill-building to address the root causes of substance abuse, offering a more holistic approach to drug-related crime.

Moving Forward After a Criminal Charge for Drugs

When it comes to drug possession charges, knowledge truly is power. This guide provides a solid foundation for understanding what you might face and how to begin navigating the complex legal waters. Remember that each case is unique, and consulting with a qualified criminal defense lawyer will be invaluable.

Contact a Legal Professional

If you or someone you know is facing drug possession charges, the best step is to contact an experienced and dependable criminal defense attorney. A legal professional can provide tailored advice, build a strategic defense, and guide you through the legal process with expertise.

Leverage Local Support and Resources

Local support groups, community organizations, and the Indiana drug court program are there to help individuals struggling with substance abuse. Utilizing these resources can not only strengthen your defense but also pave the way for a better, healthier future.

Stay Informed and Vigilant

The laws around drug possession can change, which is why staying informed and vigilant is crucial. Keep an eye on legislative updates and, when in doubt, seek clarity from knowledgeable legal sources.

Wrapping Up

By educating Hoosiers on the impact of drug possession laws, we’re empowering individuals to make conscious choices and understand their rights. This knowledge might mean the difference between a hefty legal battle and a second chance. For more specific guidance on your situation, it’s best to engage directly with a legal professional—because, in the case of drug possession charges, you never want to be without a knowledgeable ally.

Remember, this guide is just the beginning. The road ahead may be daunting, but arm yourself with information, seek support, and remember that every challenge also presents an opportunity for change. Act wisely, take charge of your path, and turn away from the shadows of substance abuse towards the brighter days ahead.

Looking for aggressive criminal defense that can get you the best possible outcome in court for your possession charges? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer who can skillfully fight your drug possession charges in Indiana. Act now while there is still ample time to build your defense and secure your freedoms.

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Indiana Prescription Fraud: Laws, Penalties, and Defense Strategies

Prescription fraud, or pharmacy fraud, is an increasingly serious problem across the United States, with Indiana being no exception. It refers to an act of illegally obtaining prescription medication through fraudulent means. This crime is viewed seriously by Indiana law, and those found guilty are subject to severe penalties.

This blog post aims to shed light on the laws surrounding prescription fraud in Indiana, the potential penalties that one might face if charged, and the defense strategies that can be employed in such cases. Stay tuned as we delve into the intricacies of pharmacy fraud charges, common defenses in such cases, and the implications of prescription fraud sentencing.

Call 317-636-7514 When You Need a Prescription Fraud Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 When You Need a Prescription Fraud Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

Understanding Prescription Fraud Charges

Prescription drug fraud charges in Indiana can stem from a range of activities, including but not limited to:

Doctor Shopping – visiting multiple doctors to obtain the same prescription medication.

Pharmacy Hopping – filling prescriptions at different pharmacies without informing the pharmacists.

Altering or Forging Prescriptions – changing information on a valid prescription or creating a fake one.

Prescription Theft – stealing prescription pads or forms to obtain medication.

Impersonating a Healthcare Professional – posing as a doctor or nurse to obtain prescriptions.

In Indiana, these actions are considered felonies and can result in severe legal consequences. It is also important to note that even the possession of a controlled substance without a valid prescription is unlawful and can lead to criminal charges.

Penalties for Prescription Drug Fraud in Indiana

The potential penalties for pharmacy fraud in Indiana depend on several factors, including the specific charges and the amount and type of medication involved. However, some common penalties that one may face if convicted of prescription fraud include:

Jail time – Depending on the severity of the offense, a conviction could result in a prison sentence ranging from months to years.

Fines – Prescription fraud convictions can also result in hefty fines, which can add up to thousands of dollars.

Probation – In some cases, the court may impose probation as an alternative to jail time. This involves being monitored and adhering to specific conditions set by the court.

License Suspension – A conviction for prescription fraud could also lead to the suspension or revocation of a professional license, such as a medical license.

Reputation Damage – Prescription fraud is a serious offense that can have lasting effects on one’s personal and professional reputation.

Defense Strategies for Prescription Fraud Cases

If you are facing prescription fraud charges in Indiana, it is essential to seek legal representation immediately. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help build a strong case and potentially reduce or dismiss the charges against you. Some common defense strategies in pharmacy fraud cases include:

Lack of Intent – In some cases, it may be possible to argue that the defendant did not have the intention to commit prescription fraud.

Invalid Search Warrant – If evidence was obtained through an invalid search warrant, it could potentially be dismissed in court.

Mistaken Identity – It is possible for someone to be falsely accused of prescription fraud due to mistaken identity.

Lack of Evidence – The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed prescription fraud. If there is insufficient evidence, the charges may be dismissed.

Prescription Fraud Sentencing in Indiana

Prescription fraud sentencing in Indiana takes into consideration various factors such as the severity of the offense, the defendant’s criminal history, and any mitigating or aggravating circumstances. In general, first-time offenders may receive lighter sentences compared to repeat offenders or those involved in larger-scale operations. Additionally, some alternatives to incarceration such as drug treatment programs may be available for eligible individuals.

In Summary

Prescription fraud is a serious crime that can lead to severe legal consequences. If you are facing pharmacy fraud charges in Indiana, it is crucial to seek legal representation and understand the laws, potential penalties, and defense strategies surrounding this offense. Remember, ignorance of the law is not a valid defense.

Looking for aggressive criminal defense that can get you the best possible outcome in court for your fraud charges? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned criminal defense charge defense lawyer who can skillfully fight your prescription fraud charges in Indianapolis, Indiana. Act now while there is still ample time to build your defense and secure your freedoms.

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What to Do If You’re Arrested for Drug Possession in Indiana

Being arrested for drug possession can be a frightening and disorienting experience, particularly in Indiana where drug laws are notably stringent. This blog post aims to provide you with crucial information and actionable advice to navigate this challenging situation. It is crucial to remember that every decision you make from the moment of your arrest can profoundly impact the outcome of your case.

Understanding your rights, the legal process, and the importance of securing a seasoned criminal defense lawyer will serve as your guiding compass. Read on to equip yourself with knowledge that can make a significant difference in your future.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Drug Defense Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Drug Defense Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

Your Rights as an Arrested Individual

As a citizen of the United States, you have certain constitutional rights that protect you during an arrest. These include the right to remain silent and your right to an attorney. It is essential to exercise these rights immediately after your arrest and not answer any questions or make statements until you have spoken with a lawyer. Anything you say can be used against you, so it is best to remain silent until you have legal representation.

How to Behave While Under Arrest

It is crucial to remain calm and cooperative during an arrest. Any resistance or hostility towards law enforcement can escalate the situation and potentially result in additional charges. You have the right to ask why you are being arrested, but it is important to refrain from arguing or attempting to flee. Additionally, do not consent to any searches without a warrant or probable cause as this can also lead to further legal complications.

Understanding Indiana’s Drug Possession Laws

Indiana has strict laws regarding drug possession. Depending on the type and quantity of drugs involved, drug possession can result in severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines. The state categorizes controlled substances into five schedules based on their potential for abuse and medical value. Schedule I drugs, such as heroin and LSD, carry the most severe penalties, while Schedule V substances have less strict sentencing. It is essential to consult with a criminal defense lawyer who is well-versed in Indiana’s drug laws to understand the potential consequences you may face.

What to Do If You’re Arrested

The first thing you should do if you’re arrested for drug possession is to remain calm and cooperate with law enforcement. It may be a stressful and overwhelming situation, but it is crucial to remember not to resist arrest or become combative with the authorities. Once you are in police custody, exercise your right to remain silent and do not answer any questions without legal representation.

The Importance of Hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer

One of the most critical steps you can take after being arrested for drug possession in Indiana is to hire a criminal defense lawyer. A skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney will be able to review your case, build a solid defense strategy, and fight for the best possible outcome on your behalf. They will also ensure that your constitutional rights are protected throughout the legal process. It is not advisable to face drug possession charges alone, as the consequences can be severe without proper legal representation.

Final Thoughts

Being arrested for drug possession in Indiana is a serious matter that requires careful navigation. Knowing your rights, understanding state laws, and seeking the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer are crucial steps you must take to protect yourself and your future. Remember always to remain calm, exercise your right to remain silent, and seek legal representation as soon as possible. With the right knowledge and actions, you can overcome this challenging situation and move forward with your life.  So, if find yourself in such a predicament, do not hesitate to reach out for help – it may make all the difference. 

If you are facing criminal charges for drugs, it’s essential that you seek the advice of a qualified lawyer as soon as possible. Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned drug defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our law firm will get you the best possible outcome to your criminal case!

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A Closer Look at Consequences for Drugged Driving in Indiana

Driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) is a serious offense in Indiana, and those who are caught can face harsh consequences. The penalties for drugged driving vary depending on the type and amount of drug involved. In addition to legal repercussions, there may also be personal costs such as lost wages or higher auto insurance premiums. It’s important to understand the risks associated with operating a vehicle while impaired by drugs so that you can make an informed decision about your safety and that of others on the road.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at DUID laws in Indiana and examine some of the potential consequences for violating them.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a DUID Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a DUID Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana

What You Need to Know About Drugged Driving (DUID) in Indiana

In Indiana, it’s illegal to drive with any detectable amount of certain controlled substances in your system. This includes cannabis, opioids, amphetamines, benzodiazepines, and many other commonly abused drugs. If you’re pulled over or involved in an accident while impaired by drugs, the police may give you a field sobriety test to determine whether you are under the influence. If they believe that you are impaired, they can charge you with a DUID offense. The severity of the charge will depend on what type of drug is present and how much is in your system; for example, cocaine possession will usually result in more serious charges than marijuana possession.

DUID Convictions and Penalties

The consequences for drugged driving vary depending on the severity of the drug crime. If convicted, you could face a fine of up to $10,000 and/or up to two years in prison. You may also be required to complete drug treatment programs or community service. Additionally, your license could be suspended for six months or longer. Even if you don’t receive jail time or pay a fine, DUID convictions can remain on your criminal record and have negative impacts on employment opportunities and other areas of your life.

How to Stay Ahead of Your Rights and Your Safety

It’s important to stay informed about drugged driving laws in Indiana so that you can make safe decisions when it comes to getting behind the wheel. In addition to understanding the potential consequences for violating these laws, it’s also essential to know the signs of impairment – including slowed reaction time, difficulty concentrating, and impaired coordination – so that you can recognize when it’s not safe to drive. Making smart choices now can save you from facing serious legal and personal repercussions down the road.

In Summary

Drugged driving is a serious offense in Indiana, and those who are caught violating DUID laws may face harsh consequences including fines, prison time, license suspension, and more. It’s important to stay informed about these laws in order to make safe decisions when it comes to getting behind the wheel. Remembering the potential costs associated with drugged driving can help you avoid facing serious legal or personal repercussions in the future.

What to Do After a DUID Arrest in Indianapolis

If you have been arrested for drugged driving, also known as driving under the influence of drugs (DUID), it is important to seek the counsel of an experienced Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer. A conviction for drugged driving can have serious consequences, including fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment. A qualified criminal defense attorney can review the evidence against you and develop a strategy to protect your rights and minimize the potential repercussions. They can also help you understand the complex legal issues involved in a DUID case, such as the validity of drug tests and how they may be challenged in court. With the guidance of a skilled criminal defense lawyer, you can potentially achieve a more favorable outcome in a drugged driving case.

Were you or your loved one recently arrested for drugged driving in or around Indy? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free consultation with a licensed DUID lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can start working on your case TODAY.

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The Penalties for Prescription Drug Criminal Charges in Indiana

If you’ve been charged with a prescription drug crime in Indiana, it’s important to understand the possible penalties that come with a conviction. Depending on the degree of your offense and other factors, you could be facing serious consequences such as jail time and hefty fines. In order to protect yourself from the worst-case scenario, it is essential to become familiar with Indiana’s laws surrounding narcotics charges and contact an experienced Indianapolis drug crime lawyer who can help build your defense.

In this blog post, we will break down the various types of prescription drug crimes in Indiana and their associated punishments so that you can make informed decisions about how best proceed if you are charged with a narcotic-related offense. We will also provide tips for choosing an experienced drug charge attorney who can fight on your behalf in court and secure favorable outcomes for your case.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Prescription Drug Criminal Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Prescription Drug Criminal Lawyer in Indianapolis

Types of Prescription Drugs and Criminal Charges

A variety of man-made drugs are commonly trafficked and abused on the black market, primarily tranquilizers, benzodiazepines, opioid painkillers, and stimulants. In more recent years, illegally made fentanyl has become increasingly popular among drug dealers due to its high potency and low manufacturing costs. The dangers posed by opioids, benzos, prescription stimulants, depressants, and fentanyl cannot be underestimated. Many users who purchase these substances from drug dealers can unknowingly become addicted or experience serious side-effects. This is why regulatory measures continue to be taken to curtail illegal sales of controlled pharmaceuticals through dealers.

The most common types of prescription drug crimes in Indiana are possession, manufacturing, distribution, and trafficking. Depending on the number and type of drugs involved, your charge could range from a misdemeanor to a felony offense. The punishment for each crime varies as follows:

Possession: Possession of narcotics without proper authorization is illegal and can lead to misdemeanor or felony charges depending on the amount and type of drug. Punishment typically includes jail time ranging from one year or more, along with fines up to $10,000.

Manufacturing: Manufacturing controlled substances in Indiana carries punishments of up to 10 years in prison and fines up to $100,000 if convicted. 

Distribution: Distributing narcotics without a prescription carries the same penalties as manufacturing, but with increased fines up to $150,000.

Trafficking: Trafficking narcotics across state lines is considered a federal offense and carries the harshest punishments of all including up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to $1 million.

Are You Facing a Prescription Drug Charge?

No matter what type of drug crime you’ve been charged with in Indiana, it’s important that you seek legal help from an experienced drug crime lawyer in Indianapolis who can provide personalized guidance for your situation. A criminal attorney can review the facts of your case and determine if there are any potential defenses that can help reduce or dismiss your charges. They will also be able to advise you on the best course of action to take in order to secure the most favorable outcome for you.

Were you just arrested for a drug crime related to prescription pills or medications? If you’ve been charged with a prescription drug crime in Indiana, contact David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law, at 317-636-7514 today for knowledgeable and experienced legal representation. Our Indianapolis drug crime attorneys will provide you with personalized advice and develop an effective defense strategy that protects your rights and preserve your freedoms. Act now before it’s too late!

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The Legal Penalties of Drugged Driving in Indiana

The dangers of drugged driving are becoming increasingly clear. While most people know the risks associated with drinking and driving, drugged driving is a growing problem that can have serious legal consequences. Driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol is illegal in all 50 states, and drivers found guilty of drugged driving could face hefty fines, license suspension, jail time, and more.

In this blog post we’ll look at the legal penalties for drugged driving in Indiana so Hoosiers everywhere can understand exactly what’s at stake if you’re caught operating a vehicle while intoxicated.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a DUI Drugged Driving Lawyer in Indianapolis.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a DUI Drugged Driving Lawyer in Indianapolis.

Indiana Drugged Driving Laws are Harsh

In Indiana, driving while under the influence of drugs, prescription or illicit, is considered a serious criminal offense. Generally speaking, drugged driving laws in the state are similar to DUI laws for alcohol. If you are pulled over and suspected of drugged driving, law enforcement will likely administer field sobriety tests and chemical testing before taking any further action. A person can be charged with drugged driving in Indiana if they are found to have any quantity of drugs in their system that impair their ability to safely and legally operate a motor vehicle. This includes illegal substances such as marijuana and cocaine, but also prescription medication such as opioids (i.e. hydrocodone, oxycodone, Percocet, etc.) and sedatives (i.e. benzodiazepines, barbiturates, “Z-drug” sleep medications, etc.).

Drugged Driving Convictions

If convicted of drugged driving, penalties vary depending on the severity of the case. For a first offense drugged driving conviction, the penalties can include up to 60 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $500. Additional fines may apply, such as those related to court costs and attorney fees. An offender may also be ordered to complete an alcohol or drug education program at their own expense. Other consequences could include license suspension and/or a six-month probationary period, as well as a combination of restitution, community service, ankle monitoring, and house arrest.

Habitual Offenders

For repeat drugged driving offenses, the penalties are even more severe. A second drugged driving conviction could include up to one year in prison and/or fines of up to $1,000. A third drugged driving conviction can carry a sentence of up to three years in prison and/or fines of up to $10,000. Additional consequences may include community service, mandatory treatment programs, and license revocation.

Driving on Drugs is a Serious Crime

It’s important to understand that drugged driving is a serious offense and can have serious legal penalties. If you are found guilty of drugged driving in Indiana, it’s best to contact an attorney as soon as possible. With the help of an experienced Indianapolis drugged driving attorney, you can understand the legal penalties and explore available options for reducing or eliminating them. Remember – driving under the influence of drugs, whether prescription or illegal, is a crime that not only puts you at risk, but also other drivers on the road. Don’t take chances with your safety or the safety of others behind the wheel. Understand the law, make smart decisions, and stay safe!

If you have been charged for driving under the influence, it is crucial that you enlist an experienced DUI lawyer to fight tenaciously against every aspect of your drug case and strive to achieve a more favorable outcome in court. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a skilled criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana about your drugged driving charges, today. We can meet over the phone, via online video conference, or in person at our office.

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The Consequences of Conviction for a Heroin Offense in Indiana

Heroin usage and abuse is a serious problem in Indiana, with the state ranking among the top 10 states for heroin-related deaths. For those who are arrested for drug charges related to heroin, it’s important to understand the consequences of conviction. In this blog post, we will explore what happens if you’re convicted of a heroin offense in Indiana.  We will discuss the potential penalties and how they can affect your life moving forward. Lastly, we’ll talk about ways that you can fight back against these charges and protect yourself from harsh punishments.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Heroin Drug Charge Lawyer in Indianapolis.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Heroin Drug Charge Lawyer in Indianapolis.

Possession of Heroin Charges in Indiana

If you’re found guilty of a heroin-related offense in Indiana, the consequences can be severe. As a Schedule I controlled substance, possession of heroin under 5 grams is a Level 6 felony in Indiana, which carries a penalty of up to three years imprisonment and/or fines ranging from $10,000 to $20,000. If someone has more than 10 grams of heroin, it is considered a Level 4 felony, which carries even harsher penalties, including up to 12 years in prison and/or fines up to $10,000.

Consequences of Dealing Heroin

In Indiana, heroin charges can be exceptionally serious, with the consequences for dealing heroin and heroin trafficking easily reaching levels such as long-term prison sentences or hefty fines. Drug dealers caught intent on trafficking heroin can expect to face stiff sentences, ranging anywhere from 2 to 30 years in prison.

Dealing just 1 gram of heroin or less is considered a Level 4 felony, which renders a minimum 2 year prison sentence, with a maximum sentence of 6 years, plus up to $10,000 in fines. If you are caught dealing between 5 and 10 grams, you are looking at a maximum of 16 years in prison, with a minimum of 3 years. If you are arrested for dealing over 10 grams of heroin, you are facing up to 30 years in prison with a minimum of 10 years.

Drug Charge Enhancements

Enhancements to drug charges are punishments not prescribed in the underlying statutes but instead arise from various circumstances surrounding a particular activity. Sobriety status, weapons involvement, living children under 10 years old, moral turpitude—these may all weigh into whether or not an enhancement is imposed onto a charge. Enhancing one’s penalties could potentially double their exposure time in prison correlated to their original crime. Knowing early on potential enhancements that could possibly occur later down the line could be the difference between significant freedom and long confinement in the US Prison System.

Enhancements Include, but Not Limited to:

Drug Manufacturing
Priors for Dealing
Possession of Firearm
In Drug-Free Zones
Presence of Children
On School Grounds or Within 500 Feet
Dealing to a Minor
On or Within 500 Feet of a Park or School Bus
Dealing to Someone 3 Years One’s Junior

Additional Penalties for Heroin Crimes

In addition to the possible jail time and hefty fines associated with heroin-related charges, you may also face license suspension or revocation, probation, and drug treatment programs. Even if you’re only found guilty of a minor heroin offense, like possession of drug paraphernalia, you could still face license suspension and fines. Some heroin users themselves often either end up incarcerated or deal potentially deadly harm to their health.

It is important to understand that the consequences of a conviction can extend beyond just legal penalties. A criminal record related to drug charges can make it difficult to find employment or housing in the future. The social stigma of a heroin offense can have long-lasting effects. In short: heroin is no joke, and Indiana takes its stance against illegal drug dealing of any type quite seriously.

Seek Legal Help from an Indiana Drug Defense Lawyer

It’s important to remember that you don’t have to simply accept the consequences of a drug charge in Indiana. An experienced Indianapolis criminal defense attorney can help fight your drug charges and protect you from harsh punishments. Your attorney may be able to negotiate a plea deal with reduced penalties, challenge the evidence against you, or even get your charges dropped altogether. If you’ve been charged with a heroin offense in Indiana, don’t wait to take action. Speak with an experienced Indiana criminal attorney as soon as possible to build a strong defense and protect yourself from the maximum penalties. With the right legal help, you may be able to avoid jail time and fines, plus protect yourself from a damaging criminal record.  Seeking help early is the best way to ensure your rights are protected.

Act Now to Protect Your Freedoms

In summary, if you’ve been charged with a heroin offense in Indiana, it’s important to understand the potential consequences of conviction. Penalties can include hefty fines, jail time, license suspension or revocation, and probation. There could also be long-term social ramifications of a heroin conviction. However, a certified drug crime attorney can help fight your charges and protect you from harsh punishments. Don’t wait to take action – seek help early for the best chances of protecting your rights.  By taking proactive steps and working with a reputable attorney, you may be able to avoid the worst of the consequences of a heroin conviction.

Stay informed and stay safe!  If you or someone you know has been charged with a heroin offense in Indiana, get started with your defense now. Your future is worth protecting.  Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting with an experienced drug crime lawyer who can get you the best possible outcome for your heroin charges. We can hold meetings over the phone or in person at our Indy-based office.

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What You Should Know About Indiana’s Drug Schedules

What You Should Know About Indiana’s Drug Schedules

If you live in Indiana, it is important to be aware of the state’s Drug Schedules. Drug possession and trafficking are serious crimes which can carry severe penalties in Indiana. Drug Schedules classify controlled substances into different categories based on their potential for abuse and medical value. Knowing which drugs fall under each schedule can help you stay informed about drug laws in your state and protect yourself from legal trouble. In this blog post, we will discuss Indiana’s Drug Schedules and what they mean for drug possession cases.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Drug Charge Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Drug Charge Lawyer in Indianapolis Indiana.

Facts About Drug Scheduling in Indiana

Drug use, possession, or trafficking is illegal in Indiana. The state’s Drug Schedules are determined by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and state law. Schedules are I through V, with schedule 5 drugs being the least potential for abuse.

Schedule I Drugs

Drugs in Schedule I have no medical value, a high potential for abuse, and can lead to addiction. These drugs include heroin, LSD, ecstasy, and marijuana. Possession of these drugs can result in a Level 5 felony with up to six years in prison and fines up to 10,000 dollars.

Schedule II Drugs

Drugs in Schedule II have a lower potential for abuse and are sometimes used in medical treatments such as pain relief. These drugs include codeine, morphine, opium, cocaine, methamphetamine, and hydrocodone. Possession of these drugs can result in a Level 6 felony with up to two-and-a-half years in prison and fines up to 10,000 dollars.

Schedule III Drugs

Schedule III drugs have a relatively low potential for abuse and are sometimes used for medical treatments such as pain relief. These drugs include ketamine, anabolic steroids, testosterone, and some depressants. Possession of these drugs can result in a Level 6 felony with up to two-and-a-half years in prison and fines up to 10,000 dollars.

Schedule IV Drugs

Schedule IV drugs have an even lower potential for abuse than Schedule III drugs and are also sometimes used for medical treatments such as pain relief. These drugs include Xanax, Valium, Ambien, and restoril. Possession of these drugs can result in a Level 6 felony with up to two-and-a-half years in prison and fines up to 10,000 dollars.

Schedule V Drugs

Lastly, Schedule V drugs have the lowest potential for abuse and are used medically often as cough medicines. These drugs include some anti-seizure medications and some anti-nausea medications. Possession of these drugs can result in a Class A misdemeanor with up to one year in prison and fines up to 5,000 dollars.

Facing Drug Charges in Indiana?

Dealing with legal issues is never easy, yet even more so when the matter involves drug-related offenses. If you have been charged and need assistance from a professional, then enlist an experienced criminal defense attorney. These lawyers have experience and knowledge of the court proceedings for such matters, allowing them to effectively represent defendants like yourself no matter what situation you’re in. They will negotiate on your behalf to ensure that you receive the maximum benefit throughout and after the process. Contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis to ensure that you receive fair treatment and obtain the best possible conclusion to your case.

If you are arrested for a drug crime in Indiana, it is important to seek legal representation as soon as possible. Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free consultation with a licensed drug defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can start working on your case TODAY.

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Beat the Hangover: How to Drink Smartly this New Year’s Eve

As the holiday season is upon us, many of us are looking forward to celebrating New Year’s Eve with friends and family. However, it’s important to remember that drinking responsibly is key for a safe and fun night out. From avoiding driving under the influence (DUI) to limiting your alcohol intake, here are some tips on how you can drink smartly this New Year’s Eve so that you can enjoy your night without any regrets or hangovers.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a DUI Attorney in Indianapolis.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a DUI Attorney in Indianapolis.

How to Drink Responsibly on New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration, but it should also be a time for responsibility and safety. Every year, many people choose to celebrate with alcohol, but too often these celebrations end in tragedy due to drunk driving or other dangerous activities. This New Year’s Eve, make sure that you drink smartly by following some simple rules: always have a designated driver if you plan on drinking; never get behind the wheel of a car after consuming alcohol; and remember that drinking can impair your judgment and put you at risk of harm. Responsible alcohol consumption is key to having an enjoyable New Year’s Eve while keeping yourself safe from getting a DUI or any other potential dangers.

Here are some more responsible drinking tips to get you through the holiday season and safely into 2024:

1. Set a Limit: Before you start celebrating, set yourself a limit on how much alcohol you intend to drink for the evening. This will help ensure that you don’t overdo it and end up in an uncomfortable or even dangerous situation.

2. Alternate Drinks: Alternate each alcoholic beverage with a glass of water or a soft drink. This will help keep you hydrated throughout the night and reduce your chances of getting too drunk, too fast.

3. Slow Down: Don’t be tempted to drink quickly and try to pace yourself by sipping your drinks slowly. Allowing yourself time to absorb the alcohol in your system will help your body cope and reduce the risk of getting too drunk.

4. Eat Something: Eating something before or during drinking will help to slow down the rate of absorption of alcohol into our bodies, reducing its effects. That way, you can enjoy your drinks with fewer dizzying effects. With this helpful tip in your back pocket, you’ll be able to cheer and celebrate just that much longer.

5. Don’t Drink & Drive: Drinking and driving is a major no-no, so if you’re planning to drink, make sure you have a designated driver or use public transport. Alternatively, call a cab and make sure you get home safe and sound.

By following these tips, you can enjoy your New Year’s Eve in style but still be responsible about it. With these simple steps, you can make sure you have a fun and safe night out, where the only hangover you’ll be dealing with is from staying up too late! Cheers to that!

What to Do After a New Year’s Eve Arrest in Indianapolis

New Year’s Eve is a time to celebrate with family and friends, but unfortunately it can also end unexpectedly if you are arrested. If you are facing charges after being arrested New Year’s Eve in Indianapolis, the most important thing to do is contact a trusted and skilled criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis. An experienced crime lawyer can help you understand your rights and handle any legal repercussions of the arrest, whether detained for drunk driving, drugged driving, drug possession, assault, or even a probation violation. They will be able to counsel you on what the best repercussions are for your situation and get through this challenging time as smoothly as possible. It’s important to remember that every region has its own laws, so finding a qualified Indianapolis criminal defense attorney is essential when navigating New Year’s Eve-related legal issues.

Trust only the best and most aggressive criminal litigators when it comes to avoiding the maximum penalties for your charges. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting with our experienced Indianapolis criminal defense law firm. Schedule a meeting with us either by phone or in person at our law office, based conveniently in Downtown Indy.

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Unpacking the Legal Status of Marijuana Across the United States

The cannabis industry is rapidly evolving in the United States as more states legalize cannabis for medical and/or recreational use. With this shift, it can be difficult to keep up with the changing legal status of cannabis across the country. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at cannabis laws across the nation, discuss differences between medical and recreational cannabis use, and explore what the future may hold for cannabis legalization nationwide. We’ll also dive into Indiana’s specific laws regarding marijuana.

By understanding these rules, you can stay informed on your rights and responsibilities when it comes to cannabis consumption. Let’s get started!

Call Our Indianapolis Marijuana Criminal Lawyers at 317-636-7514 Today.
Call Our Indianapolis Marijuana Criminal Lawyers at 317-636-7514 Today.

Cannabis Laws Across the United States

The marijuana laws across the United States have changed rapidly in recent years, although marijuana is still illegal at the federal level. Each state has adopted different marijuana regulations, resulting in a patchwork of marijuana laws that vary between jurisdictions. Some states are more lenient than others, allowing marijuana use for medicinal purposes while others permit recreational marijuana consumption.

Despite this variance, it’s important to remember that cannabis remains illegal at the federal level and possession and sale of marijuana can lead to serious legal consequences when crossing state lines or entering federal property. With changing public opinion on marijuana, research has indicated that legal marijuana markets can provide economic benefits with proper regulation and taxation. This could be a potential source of revenue for governments struggling with budget deficits due to Covid-19 related loss income.

Differences Between Medical and Recreational Cannabis Use

Cannabis, marijuana, or weed is used for pleasure and medical purposes throughout the world. However, there are significant differences between marijuana used for recreational and medicinal purposes. Generally, marijuana studied for medicinal use contains much higher levels of cannabidiol (CBD), which may only contain a fraction of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD is known to have calming effects without producing psychoactive effects like THC.

In contrast, marijuana intended for recreational use typically has higher THC levels, which can cause euphoric feelings in users but might also result in adverse effects such as anxiety and paranoia. Furthermore, marijuana used in medical settings is subject to strict legislation, while marijuana purchased on the market outside of medical prescriptions may be illegal even in areas where marijuana has been decriminalized.

CBD Laws in the USA

CBD, or cannabidiol, has become a popular ingredient in health and beauty products because of its potential therapeutic properties. CBD laws in the U.S. can be complicated as CBD is derived from cannabis and hemp plants, both of which have varying levels of legal status in different states. CBD is currently legal as a component of hemp-derived products at a federal level, though some states regulate CBD more than others. Despite this complexity, CBD dispensary businesses have been popping up across the nation due to consumer demand for CBD-infused goods ranging from topicals to edibles. That being said, there still is much confusion about its status so it’s important for potential customers to stay informed on the CBD laws in their own state before making decisions.

Indiana Laws Regarding Marijuana

Indiana laws regarding marijuana are relatively restrictive, but changes have been made to reflect a more permissive stance towards cannabis. Marijuana is still considered illegal for recreational use in Indiana; however, recent legislation allows the sale and consumption of products such as CBD oil, which contain tremendously low levels of THC. Possession or consumption of recreational marijuana can result in fines and jail time; nevertheless, this is only true if an individual has more than 30 grams of the drug.

Presently, medical marijuana use is outlawed in Indiana. This year marks a turning point as 13 cannabis-related bills have been introduced to address issues such as the medicinal application of marijuana and decriminalization of possession. Although changes have been made to Indiana’s marijuana laws, it is important for individuals to understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to cannabis in the state.

If you have been charged with a marijuana crime in Indianapolis, Indiana, don’t wait another moment to get the help you need. Attorney David E. Lewis is an experienced criminal defense lawyer who will fight for your rights and provide you with the best legal counsel available. Contact us today at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting, today.

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