What to Do in a Police Encounter: Safety and Legal Advice

Encountering law enforcement can be a source of anxiety or confusion for many. But having a clear understanding of your rights and knowing how to act during a police stop is not just a safeguard for you—it’s an exercise of the very principles that underpin our society.

This comprehensive guide offers insights into constitutional protections, legal advice, and community support to ensure that you can confidently assert your rights during any police interaction. Whether you’re a passionate civil rights activist, a young adult navigating your legal landscape, or a general enthusiast seeking clarity, this post is a vital resource.

Call 317-636-7514 When You Need a Qualified Criminal Defendant Lawyer in Indianapolis
Call 317-636-7514 When You Need a Qualified Criminal Defendant Lawyer in Indianapolis

Understanding Your Rights and Remaining Calm

Know the Basics

The starting point in preparing for a police encounter is to understand the fundamental rights granted by the constitution. These include the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, and protection from illegal searches and seizures. You should understand the extent of your Miranda rights, which protect your privilege against self-incrimination.

Staying Composed

Remaining calm is one of the most important steps during an interaction with the police. It allows you to think clearly and respond appropriately. Remember that although an officer may be assertive in their questioning, it is within your rights to calmly exercise your privileges.

Assertive Communication

When engaging with law enforcement, assertive—but respectful—communication is key. Polite refusal with phrases like “I am choosing not to answer questions” or “I do not consent to a search” can help assert your rights without escalating the situation.

Essential Legal Advice for Personal Safety and Protection

Knowing the Law

There are nuances to the legal system that can be complicated and difficult to master, especially in the heat of a police encounter. Familiarize yourself with the specific laws in your area regarding interactions with the police.

Immediate Actions to Take

If you feel your rights have been violated, note the details of the interaction as soon as it is safe to do so. Remember badge numbers, vehicle types, and names. Seek legal aid afterward to understand your recourse options.

Filming Encounters

In many places, video recording police encounters is within your rights and can serve as crucial evidence. Always consider safety first, but if possible, use your cellphone to record interactions from a safe distance.

Navigating Real-Life Scenarios with Finesse

Traffic Stops – During a traffic stop, pull over safely, stay in your vehicle, and keep your hands on the wheel. Engage with the officer politely and comply with requests without sacrificing your safety or rights.

Public Demonstrations and Protests – Participating in a protest? You still have rights. Understand the rules set by the organizers, know the role of legal observers, and be prepared for the possibility of arrest.

Home Encounters – When law enforcement shows up at your home, you have rights regarding entry and search. Ask for a warrant but also consider the urgency and nature of the police presence to make informed decisions about your response.

Leaning on Community Support and Resources

Local Organizations – Research and become familiar with local civil rights organizations and resources that specialize in providing support and legal advice during police encounters.

Building a Network – Connect with like-minded individuals in your community to share experiences, knowledge, and advice on navigating police interactions and the legal system.

Post-Encounter Support – In the case of an arrest or violation, lean on community support groups for assistance with legal representation and understanding the next steps in your specific case.


Encounters with law enforcement are more than personal inconveniences. They are opportunities to stand up for the principles that make our justice system just. By knowing your rights, staying informed, and staying vigilant, you not only protect yourself but also contribute to the collective defense of civil liberties. Share this guide with your peers, encourage open conversations about personal experiences, and stand together in the pursuit of justice.

Speak with a Lawyer

If you are facing charges or need assistance with a recent arrest, don’t hesitate to seek legal counsel. A lawyer can provide the tailored advice and representation necessary to navigate the complexities of your specific situation. Your voice, your rights, and your future are worth fighting for—take the crucial step of seeking professional legal guidance.

If you are facing criminal charges after a wrongful or unconstitutional arrest, it’s essential that you seek the advice of a qualified lawyer as soon as possible. Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a skilled criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our law firm will get you the best possible outcome to your criminal case!

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Stay Calm and Collected: How to Interact With Cops

Interactions with police officers can often be daunting and nerve-wracking. However, understanding how to stay calm and collected during such encounters is crucial and can significantly affect the outcome. This blog post aims to educate readers on effectively managing cop stops, ensuring their rights, particularly their Miranda Rights, are upheld, and fostering a respectful engagement with police officers. Keep reading to gain insight into this important aspect of civic life.

Call 317-636-7514 For Criminal Defense Representation in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 For Criminal Defense Representation in Indianapolis Indiana

What You Need to Know About Interacting With Police

Police stops, also known as cop stops, occur when a law enforcement officer initiates contact with an individual or a vehicle. These encounters can be initiated for various reasons, such as traffic violations, suspicious behavior, or responding to a call for assistance. It is essential to understand that these interactions are not always avoidable and being prepared can make a significant difference.

Stay Calm

The first and most crucial tip for interacting with cops is to stay calm. It may be easier said than done, but it is imperative not to panic or act aggressively during such encounters. Take deep breaths and maintain a composed demeanor, even if you feel agitated or anxious. Remember that police officers are trained to assess and manage intense situations, and staying calm can help de-escalate the encounter. Additionally, if you are nervous or anxious, communicating this fact to the officer in a respectful manner can also help diffuse any tension.

Know Your Rights

As a citizen, it is crucial to understand your rights when interacting with cops. The most important being your Miranda Rights. These rights are read to individuals when they are taken into custody and include the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, and if you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you. It is essential to remember that these rights apply at all times during a cop stop, even before an arrest is made. If the officer fails to uphold your Miranda Rights, any statements you make during the encounter may not be admissible in court.

Be Respectful and Cooperative

Being respectful and cooperative towards police officers is crucial, even if you feel like you are being unfairly treated or stopped. Remember that these individuals are carrying out their duties as law enforcement officials, and disrespect or aggression can only escalate the situation. Be mindful of your tone and body language, and always address the officer with “sir” or “ma’am.” Additionally, if you are asked to comply with requests such as providing your identification or stepping out of your vehicle, it is best to do so calmly and without resistance.

Seek Legal Assistance if Necessary

In some instances, despite staying calm, knowing your rights, and being respectful, law enforcement encounters can still result in an arrest or charges being pressed against you. In such cases, it is essential to seek legal assistance immediately. A qualified criminal defense attorney can help protect your rights and offer guidance on how to navigate the legal system. Remember that you are innocent until proven guilty, and having a legal representative by your side can make all the difference.


In conclusion, interacting with cops can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it is essential to know how to handle such encounters effectively. Staying calm, knowing your rights, being respectful and cooperative, and seeking legal assistance if necessary are essential factors that can significantly impact the outcome of a cop stop. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a safe and respectful interaction with police officers. Remember, being informed is the key to staying calm and collected during such encounters.

Would you like to build a strong case against your Indiana criminal charges? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 for the strongest criminal defense in Indianapolis. We will get the best possible outcome for your criminal case!

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Understanding Your Rights: A Guide to Encounters with Law Enforcement
What You Should Do if Stopped By a Police Officer
What Should I Do if I Get Pulled Over By Police?

Defending Against Disorderly Conduct Charges: A Roadmap For Indiana Residents

Facing disorderly conduct or public intoxication charges can be an overwhelming experience, particularly if you’re uncertain about your legal rights and potential defenses. In Indiana, these criminal charges carry significant penalties and societal stigma, making it crucial to understand the law and how to navigate the legal terrain effectively.

This blog post aims to provide Indiana residents with a comprehensive roadmap to defend against disorderly conduct charges. We’ll cover everything from what constitutes disorderly conduct and public intoxication under Indiana law, to the potential legal defenses available and the importance of seeking skilled legal representation. So, let’s dive in!

Call 317-636-7514 if You are Facing a Disorderly Conduct Charge in Indianapolis Indiana
Call 317-636-7514 if You are Facing a Disorderly Conduct Charge in Indianapolis Indiana

What is Disorderly Conduct and Public Intoxication?

Before we discuss how to defend against these charges, it’s essential to understand what they entail. According to Indiana Code 35-45-1-3, disorderly conduct is defined as “intentionally making unreasonable noise and continuing to do so after being asked to stop.” This can include shouting, screaming, or engaging in other disruptive behaviors in a public place. On the other hand, public intoxication is defined as being under the influence of drugs or alcohol and posing a threat to oneself or others in a public place.

Most Common Types of Disorderly Conducts in Indiana:

Fighting or Engaging in Violent Behavior

Under Indiana law, it is illegal to fight or engage in any type of violent behavior in public. This includes physical altercations between two or more people as well as the use of weapons such as guns and knives. Any person who engages in fighting, intimidation, or violent behavior can be charged with disorderly conduct and may face fines and/or jail time if convicted.

Disturbing the Peace

It is also illegal to disturb the peace in Indiana. This includes activities such as shouting, playing loud music, and otherwise creating loud noises that can be heard by other people in the area. Additionally, it is against the law to make any type of statement that could be considered offensive or insulting towards another person or group of people.

Obstructing a Public Place

It is also illegal to obstruct a public place in Indiana. This includes activities such as blocking entrances and exits to buildings, preventing people from entering certain areas, and otherwise making it difficult for people to move around freely in public places. Additionally, it is against the law to interfere with emergency personnel while they are performing their duties.

Refusing to Leave When Asked

Finally, it is illegal to refuse to leave an area when asked by police officers or other authorized individuals. This includes refusing to leave private property when asked by the owner or refusing to leave a business establishment after being asked by store staff members or security personnel. Refusing to leave when asked can result in charges of disorderly conduct and potential fines and/or jail time if convicted.

Potential Legal Defenses for Disorderly Conduct Charges

If you are facing disorderly conduct or public intoxication charges, know that there are potential legal defenses that can be used to fight against them. These may include:

Lack of intent: Remember, disorderly conduct charges require intentional behavior. If you did not intend to cause a disturbance or were unaware of your actions due to intoxication, this could be an effective defense.

False accusations: In some cases, individuals may be wrongfully accused of disorderly conduct or public intoxication. Your attorney can help investigate and gather evidence to prove your innocence.

Unreasonable noise: If the “noise” in question was not unreasonable, you may have a valid defense. For example, if you were singing along to music at a reasonable volume, this would not constitute disorderly conduct.

The Importance of Legal Representation

When facing criminal charges, it is crucial to seek the help of an experienced criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis. They will have a thorough understanding of Indiana’s disorderly conduct and public intoxication laws and can use their knowledge and skills to build a strong defense on your behalf. Additionally, having legal representation can significantly improve your chances of achieving a favorable outcome, such as reduced charges or dismissal.

Final Thoughts

Being charged with disorderly conduct or public intoxication in Indiana can have severe consequences, including fines and even potential jail time. However, understanding the law and having a skilled defense attorney on your side can help you navigate the legal process and potentially achieve a positive outcome. We hope this roadmap has provided useful information for Indiana residents facing these charges and emphasized the importance of seeking legal representation.

If you or your loved one has been charged with this crime or any other, get in touch with us immediately. Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our law firm will get you the best possible outcome to your criminal case!

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How Cops Respond to Domestic Violence Calls in Indiana

Domestic violence is a serious problem in Indiana and across the United States. According to governmental data, in 2019 there were an estimated 1.2 million domestic assaults reported to law enforcement agencies nationwide. Unfortunately, it’s likely that many more cases of domestic violence go unreported and undetected each year.

In Indiana, law enforcement officers are trained to respond quickly and effectively when called upon for assistance with a domestic dispute or complaint. The state has specific laws in place that dictate how police should handle these types of calls to ensure the safety of all involved parties while also providing victims with necessary resources and support services they need to get out of dangerous situations.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at how law enforcement responds to domestic violence calls in Indiana so you can be better informed about your rights and responsibilities if you ever find yourself facing such a situation.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Domestic Violence Lawyer in Indianapolis.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Domestic Violence Defense Lawyer in Indianapolis.

Domestic Dispute Police Response Process in Indiana

When law enforcement is called to respond to a domestic dispute in Indiana, the officers must first assess the situation. They will ask questions, such as whether or not any weapons are present, and take note of other signs that could indicate domestic violence is taking place. If it appears that an act of domestic violence has occurred, the officers must comply with certain procedures, such as interviewing any involved parties and performing a protective sweep of the dwelling.

The officers must also make sure that any victims of domestic violence are taken out of immediate danger and provided with appropriate resources, such as temporary housing or restraining orders. The officers must also take necessary steps to ensure the safety of all parties involved by making sure that any weapons present are collected and securing the scene.

In Indiana, law enforcement officers have an obligation to protect victims of domestic violence. They must evaluate each situation independently and determine if there is probable cause for arresting someone or issuing a Domestic Violence Order of Protection. If so, they can take necessary steps to provide victims with the safety and security they need to get out of a dangerous situation.

Cooperate With Police and Stay Calm

Whether the victim, the accused, or both, always be polite with law enforcement, as they are there to help. Guilty or not, if they place you under arrest, remain calm and don’t say another word until you have spoken with your Indianapolis criminal defense attorney. Once you are booked into the jail system, you can contact your lawyer and get bonded out of jail. From there, you will work on your defense.

Overall, it’s important to remember that law enforcement officers in Indiana take domestic violence calls seriously, and their primary goal is to protect victims and ensure the safety of all parties involved. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, please know that help is available, and you should not hesitate to call for assistance.

Putting an End to Domestic Violence

It’s important that we all work together to end domestic violence and make sure that those affected by it get the help they need urgently. And by working with law enforcement and other organizations dedicated to ending domestic violence, we can ensure that everyone in Indiana has access to the resources and support services they need. Let’s all play a role in making sure our state is free from domestic violence.

If you or someone you know is in a dangerous situation, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. Contact 911 in the case of an emergency. You mat also contact your local law enforcement office or visit the Indiana Coalition to End Domestic Violence website for more resources and information.

If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, hire an aggressive lawyer who can protect your rights and get your charges dropped in Indiana. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting with our experienced domestic violence defense lawyer in Indianapolis. Meet by phone or in person at our law office, based conveniently in Downtown Indy.

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FAQS About Domestic Violence Arrests and Charges in Indiana

When someone is involved with domestic violence in Indiana, whether as a victim, perpetrator, or accused defendant, they may be unsure of what to expect next. In this post, we will explore the process that follows an arrest and outline the possible penalties that can be imposed. Continue below to review some relevant FAQs about domestic violence arrests and charges in Indiana.

Call 317-636-7514 To Speak With a Domestic Violence Attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 317-636-7514 To Speak With a Domestic Violence Attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Frequently Asked Questions About Indiana Domestic Violence Laws

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in which one partner in a relationship uses power and control to harm the other partner. domestic violence can take many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse. Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse or relationship abuse, is not just about violence itself; it is about power and control. domestic violence is a serious problem that can have lasting effects on victims, including children who witness domestic violence. domestic violence is preventable, and there are many resources available to help victims and their families. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please reach out for help. There are many people who care and are ready to help. You are not alone.

What are the Different Types of Domestic Violence Charges That Can Be Made?

domestic violence is a serious problem across the United States, and Indiana is no exception. A report released in April by the Domestic Violence Network (DVN) found domestic violence-related calls made to IMPD jumped from more than 18,000 in 2019 to more than 30,000 in 2020. And according to the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV), between 2020 and 2021, there were 98 intimate partner violence-related fatalities, showing a 181% increase from the previous year.

There are a variety of different domestic abuse charges that can be made in Indiana. These include battery, strangulation, intimidation, domestic battery by means of a deadly weapon, and kidnapping. The penalties for domestic violence vary depending on the specific charge, but they can range from a misdemeanor to a felony. In some cases, a domestic violence conviction can also result in the loss of custody of children or the loss of the right to possess firearms.

What Happens After a Domestic Violence Arrest Is Made?

Once a domestic violence arrest is made, the accused will be taken into police custody and processed. This usually involves being fingerprinted and photographed and may also include a search of their personal belongings. The accused will then be placed in a holding cell until they can be brought before a judge. At this point, the judge will determine whether there is enough evidence to keep the accused in custody pending trial. If so, the accused will be remanded to jail until their trial date. If the judge decides that there is not enough evidence, the accused will be released on bail. In either case, it is important to remember that domestic violence is a serious crime and defendants should always consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney before making any decisions about their case.

How Can Victims of Domestic Violence Get Help?

If you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic violence, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. There are a number of resources available in Indiana, including domestic violence shelters and crisis lines. You can also contact the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence for more information. Remember, domestic violence is never acceptable, and help is always available.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: #800-799-7233
Hours: 24/7

How Can I Protect Myself if I Am Accused of Domestic Violence?

If you are accused of domestic violence, it is important to take the allegations seriously. Domestic abuse can have a lasting impact on the victim, and it is important to get help if you are struggling with this issue. You should contact a criminal lawyer in Indianapolis you are facing domestic violence charges. An attorney can help you understand the charges against you and provide guidance on how to best protect yourself. They can also help with restraining orders and child abuse cases.

If you are convicted of domestic violence, you may face a number of penalties, including jail time, fines, and a restraining order. You may also be required to attend counseling or treatment programs.

If you are facing domestic violence charges in Indiana, it is important to get help from an experienced Indianapolis criminal defense attorney to protect your rights. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 and schedule a free consultation to discuss the best strategies for beating or reducing your domestic abuse or disorderly conduct criminal charges.

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The Indiana Rule For Domestic Violence
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What are the Penalties for Public Intoxication in Indiana?

Halloween weekend is coming up! Are you prepared to celebrate safely?

Responsible drinking is all about making sure that you drink alcohol in a way that doesn’t put your health or safety at risk. It also means not drinking so much that you end up harming yourself or other people. But this time of year, social gatherings and celebrations are on the rise, as is the case with alcoholic libations. If you plan to hit the town this Halloween weekend, be sure you are prepared to drink safely and responsibly. Even if you don’t drive, being drunk in public in Indiana can get you arrested.

Continue below to learn what might happen if you are arrested and charged with public intoxication on Halloween, plus some important tips for responsible drinking.

Public Intoxication Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514
Public Intoxication Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514

Indiana Public Intoxication Charges Should Not Be Taken Lightly

Public intoxication is a criminal offense in Indiana. The law defines public intoxication as being in a public place while intoxicated to the point that you may endanger yourself or another person. The penalties for public intoxication depend on whether it is your first offense or if you have been convicted of the offense before.

First Offense: You can be fined up to $500 and/or imprisoned for up to 60 days.

Second Offense: You can be fined up to $1,000 and/or imprisoned for up to 180 days.

Third+ Offense: If you are convicted of public intoxication three or more times, you can be fined up to $10,000 and/or imprisoned for up to one year.

In addition to the criminal penalties, you may also be required to complete an alcohol or drug treatment program. If you are convicted of public intoxication, it will also go on your criminal record. This can make it difficult to find a job, rent an apartment, or get approved for loans.

If you have been charged with public intoxication in Indiana, it is important to contact an experienced Indianapolis criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. A criminal lawyer can review the facts of your case and help you understand your options. They can also negotiate with prosecutors on your behalf and work to get the charges reduced or dismissed.

Tips For Drinking Responsibly Over the Holidays

There are a few key things to remember if you want to drink responsibly:

🎃 Drink slowly and have plenty of non-alcoholic drinks in between alcoholic ones

🎃 Avoid rounds of drinks or ‘shouts’, as these can lead to you drinking more than you intended

🎃 Don’t drink on an empty stomach – food will help slow down the absorption of alcohol into your system

🎃 Know your limit and stick to it

🎃 Don’t drink if you’re taking medication that could interact with alcohol

If you follow these simple guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to drinking responsibly and reducing the risks associated with alcohol consumption. So, have a safe and happy holiday season!

Were you or a loved one arrested over the Halloween weekend? Do not try to handle your case on your own, hire a private lawyer today. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a skilled criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can meet over the phone, via online video conference, or in person at our office.

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Do I Have to Let Police in My House if They Show Up With a Search Warrant?

Law enforcement can certainly be intimidating. Even if you are compelled to oblige by all their commands and requests, do you legally have to? This is a common conundrum for those who are faced with a search warrant at home. Are you required under law to let the police inside your house if they have a search warrant? What might happen if you refuse? Do you have the right to refuse and later appeal a search warrant in court?

Continue reading to learn what you should do if the cops show up at your place of residence with a valid search warrant signed by a judge or magistrate.

Arrest Warrant Lawyers Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514
Arrest Warrant Lawyers Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514

Search Warrant Facts

In order to get a search warrant, police must submit an affidavit to a judge explaining in great detail the property to be searched, what they are looking for within the property, which property they intend to seize, which type of crime is related to the location of the search, and more. Upon approval of probable cause, a judge will sign a search warrant, which is a court order giving law enforcement authority to explore whatever property stated within the warrant decree.

Any property or areas of the home that are not specifically listed in the search warrant cannot be legally searched by police. However, there is an exception to this rule. It is known as the plain view doctrine. Basically, if something illegal is in plain sight during the process of executing a search warrant, police can further investigate that area under reasonable suspicion.

Police may have a court order to search vehicles, homes, computers, cell phones, storage units, sheds, barns, greenhouses, safes, and more. Once approved and signed by a judge, police have ten days to execute a search warrant, and they can choose to execute a search warrant any time of day or night, including times they know the property will be vacant or unsupervised.

You see, one important fact you need to know about search warrants is that most of them give police permission to search the property without the owner’s permission. Some will have a “knock and announce” rule, but most judges eliminate this rule these days. Even with the rule, there are exceptions.

So, what does all this mean for you if police show up to your home with a search warrant signed by judge? It means that you must comply or else face additional legal consequences.

Consequences of Obstructing a Search Warrant

There are serious consequences that come with obstructing a search warrant. Most often, those who refuse to allow police to come inside their home or behave in a way that is disruptive to the execution of a search warrant, can be arrested for criminal offenses like disorderly conduct, obstruction of due process, contempt of court, and much more.

If this has happened to you recently, or if you are dealing with any type of arrest or bench warrant, it is important to retain a licensed Indiana criminal defense attorney who can fight your charges and help you avoid the maximum penalties you are facing.

Are you facing criminal charges or an arrest warrant? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our legal team can help you obtain the best possible outcome to your criminal matters!

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What to Do if You Just Found Out About Your Arrest Warrant
The Difference Between Arrest Warrants and Bench Warrants
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Is Prank Calling a Crime in Indiana?

We’ve all been there at some point in our childhood. Prank calling is almost an expected milestone of growing up. But can it come with some unexpected consequences? Continue reading to learn how prank calling can go from an innocent and playful trick to an actual Indiana crime.

Harassment Charges Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514
Harassment Charges Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514

Harassment Laws in Indiana

Although prank calling is a common practical joke, it can be taken too far. In such cases, criminal charges can be filed against the caller in Indiana. Harassment is the most common and likely criminal charge that can arise from a prank calling situation. However, there are some other criminal charges that a person can face, such as disorderly conduct, hate crime, and even wiretapping. Criminal charges and subsequent penalties for prank calling will vary among jurisdictions.


One can be charged and convicted of harassment as a result of prank calling activity if their calls are late at night, incessant, derogatory, aggressive, sexual in nature, or threatening. The scale on which the law categorizes and penalizes prank call harassment will vary from county to county.

Disorderly Conduct

If a person disrupts the peace of the community or behaves in a way that is alarming or threatening to others, they can be arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. Most disorderly conduct charges stem from drunk or drugged situations, but prank calling in a way that causes fear, anxiety, and/or discomfort can lead to such legal consequences.

Hate Crime

In the case that prank calling activity involves derogatory remarks, sounds, and impressions pertaining to race, nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability, a caller could face hate crime criminal charges. These are serious criminal charges that often come with severe penalties, like heavy fines and jail time.


Wiretapping criminal charges are on more of a white-collar crime level. If prank calling involves recording the conversation without the mark’s knowledge, and therefore, consent, the caller could be charged with wiretapping. Wiretapping is a felony, which renders heavy fines, community service, and jail time.

Did some prank calling get you or your kids in trouble with the law recently? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our legal team can help you obtain the best possible outcome to your criminal matters!

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Criminal Attorney David E Lewis Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514
Criminal Attorney David E Lewis Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514

What Should I Do if I Get Pulled Over By Police?

At some point in your driving career, you are bound to be pulled over by police. It doesn’t mean that you’re guilty of a crime, or even suspected of one; but nonetheless, cop-stops and traffic violations do happen every day, so it is wise to be prepared and know how to behave if you ever look up and see those flashing emergency lights in your rear view mirror.

Criminal Lawyers Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514
Criminal Lawyers Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514

Being Pulled Over is Not Always a Bad Thing

It is important to keep in mind that law enforcement is out there to protect us, even if that means from ourselves. So, when you see yourself getting pulled over by police, do not panic. It is very likely that they are pulling you over for something minor, such as a broken taillight. They might be pulling you over to help you with something, like an unscrewed gas cap or dangling license plate.

Courtesy and Cooperation Will Help Your Situation

In all cases of being pulled over by police, the most important thing to remember is that good behavior goes a long way. Whether you are guilty of something or not, if you are 100% cooperative and courteous to the on-duty officer, it is very likely that you will be treated with high regard and that your best interests (including your personal time) will be made a priority by them. Cops are ultimately here to help us and protect us, and if you let them do their job, your police encounter will go by a lot faster and end with a more desirable outcome, even if you are arrested.

Cop Stop Tips

If you are ever pulled over by law enforcement, whether driver or passenger, these are the steps that you need to remember and practice to the best of your ability:

Pull to the Right. Pull over to the right shoulder of the road as soon as you know police are stopping you. Do not pull over to the left side. If you cannot access the right side of the road right away, drive a few feet longer, until you have adequate space to pull over.

Stay Still. Do not move from your seat after stopping. Don’t even unbuckle your seatbelt or grab your purse. Remain perfectly still with your hands on the wheel while you wait for the officer to approach your window. You can reach for your car documents when the officer asks for them.

Be Very Nice. Be polite and answer the police officer’s questions with respect. Although it is up to you on how truthful you want to be with them, the most important thing is that you speak to them in a respectful tone and courteous manner. Do not raise your voice, give attitude, show anger or frustration, call them names, or accuse them of anything. Do not be confrontational in any way.

Oblige the Officer. Along with being respectful and courteous, it is important to oblige the officer by making him or her more comfortable. If it’s nighttime, turn on your interior cabin lights on so that they can see you. You can also do things like turn your car engine off and turn the radio down so that you two can converse more clearly. These little actions can work in your favor.

Keep Conversation Short. It is important that you don’t speak too much when conversing with the police officer, especially if you are concerned that you might be guilty of a crime or have a warrant out for your arrest. It is better to say only what you need, answering the police officer’s questions directly and concisely, but not in excess. Talking too much could cause you to give up too much information, which could potentially incriminate yourself. More importantly, do not admit to any wrongdoing.

Where you recently pulled over by police and wrongly arrested for a crime, or you suspect that your rights were violated? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 for superior and aggressive Indianapolis criminal defense you can count on. We can meet over the phone, via online video conference, or in person at our office.

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How to Keep Yourself Safe During a Cop Stop

From police brutality and abuse of authority to the BLM movement and beyond, cop stops have taken on a more serious stigma in recent times. If not careful, anyone may potentially be subjected to an unsafe cop stop. In just a few short moments, police encounters can evolve into dangerous and self-incriminating situations for those who are being detained.

Continue reading to learn how to keep yourself safe during a cop stop, plus who to contact in Indiana if you have been wrongfully charged with a crime or mistreated by law enforcement during an arrest.

Wrongful Arrest Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514
Wrongful Arrest Lawyer Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514

Ways to Stay Safe During a Police Encounter

Whether you are being pulled over in your vehicle by a police officer on the road, stopped by a law enforcement official on the street for questioning, or visited by one at your house, there are plenty of Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind in order to keep yourself safe from harm and undo arrest. Even if you are visiting the police station to be interviewed for information you might have on recent crime, it is important to utilize these tips for the same reasons.

What To Do During a Cop Stop

In the case of all police encounters, these are the top 4 most important things to do to keep yourself safe from harm or an unjust arrest:


Getting Pulled Over in Your Car

If you are getting pulled over by a police officer while driving, begin to slow down at a safe pace, then immediately pull over to the right side of the road. Remain in the driver’s seat until the law enforcement official approaches. Never attempt to get out of your car nor switch spots within the vehicle.

If the police officer asks to search your car, you can legally tell them no. They may search your car anyway; in such case, it is important to remain calm and continue cooperating. You can safely address this wrongdoing later on with an attorney by your side.

In the case that a police office suspects you have been drinking alcohol and wants you to take a breathalyzer or field sobriety test, if you do not comply, your drivers’ license will be automatically suspended for 6 months. This is an agreement you make when you register your vehicle with the state. If this happens, you have 10 days from the time of arrest to have it reinstated. If you miss the deadline, you may qualify for other possible drivers’ license options following a DUI.

Being Frisked By Police

When being searched and patted down by a police officer, it is important to demonstrate the top four key principles, which include keeping your hands visible, keeping still, staying calm, and being patient. You never want to resist when a cop is trying to pat you down or search you.

Being Visited at Your House By a Cop

If a cop decides to come by your home to question you or serve you, it is important to first ensure they are actually an official law enforcement officer. This is easy to do with a polite and simple request to view their badge. Never have an attitude with the police officer at your door.

You do not have to allow the police officer inside unless they have a search warrant. Be sure to check that it is a valid search warrant if a cop declares they have one. It is also recommended to ask another occupant (preferably an adult) within the home to join you as a witness to the encounter.

Getting Arrested During a Traffic Stop

In the case that you are being arrested after being pulled over by police, there are a few things you can do to ensure the best possible outcome in addition to the four key principles mentioned before. First ask the police office to lock your vehicle. The cops may allow you to do it yourself if you are cooperating and being polite.

Obey the police officer to the fullest extent but remain as quiet as possible. Try not to ignore them if they’re asking questions. You can simply state, “I am not trying to be rude, but I do not wish to speak until my lawyer is present.” Never resist or attempt to put your hands on a police officer during cop traffic stop. Simply remain calm and still. If you are minor, ask the police officer if you can call your parents.

Do you believe that you are wrongly arrested and charged with a crime in Indiana? Do you believe you were illegally mistreated during a cop stop? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to connect with one of our esteemed criminal defense attorneys in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can meet over the phone, via online video conference, or in person at our office.

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