Can I Expunge a Federal Drug Possession Record?

Were you charged with a small possession drug offense years ago? You may be eligible now to seal or dismiss the record of offense, even if it was on a federal level. Continue below to learn if you qualify for federal criminal record expungement or sealing, plus how to get started on your petition in Indiana.

Federal Expungement Attorney Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514
Federal Expungement Attorney Indianapolis Indiana 317-636-7514

Expunging Federal Adult Criminal Records

Some federal judges have discretion of power, which means they can freely choose to expunge a criminal record. Unfortunately, most judges, if any, will not blindly grant expungement for a federal drug record just because they were asked politely and within due process. But there is light at the end of the tunnel for some.

Dismissal of the Case

Anyone arrested or charged with a minimal amount of certain drugs in their possession might qualify for an expungement alternative known as dismissal of the case. Although one must first qualify to be granted a dismissal, it does give the claimant the right to deny ever being charged or convicted. This is commonly granted to those with small level drug possession offenses on their juvenile record.

Basic Qualification Guidelines:

In order to qualify for dismissing or sealing a federal drug possession record, your case must meet certain, specific requirements. Here are the most impactful prerequisites:

First Offense

Not only must the drug possession offense be small in quantity or weight, but it must also be your first time being charged or arrested for a crime.

Quantity or Weight

In order to qualify for dismissal of case or record sealing, the drugs you had in your possession must be small or low in weight and quantity. Small possession of illegal simple drugs is the key phrase here.

Specific Drugs

Not all drugs, even in small amounts or numbers, qualify for federal record sealing or dismissal. Drugs that qualify include marijuana and cocaine, as well as cocaine-based drugs like heroin and methamphetamines.

Condition of Possession

Under what condition were you in possession of simple, illegal drugs? If the drugs were prescribed by a licensed physician or you got them using a forged or phony prescription, your case does not qualify for federal record sealing or expungement.

Are you worried about a criminal record from your history and wish to see if you qualify for criminal record expungement or sealing in Indiana? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting with an experienced criminal record expungement lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our Indianapolis criminal defense law firm can hold meetings over the phone or in person at our Indy-based office.

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