Is My Child Charged With a Delinquent Offense or Status Offense?

When a child under the age of 18 years old is arrested or breaks the law, they are entered into the juvenile court system. There, they will face a series of legal procedures, obligations, penalties, and ultimately, a conviction. Their conviction, however, largely depends on whether they are charged with a delinquent offense or a status offense.

If your child was recently arrested, it is important to learn the difference between the two types of offenses. Not only can this help you better understand what to expect from the juvenile court proceedings, it can also help you protect your child from future brushes with the law.

Continue reading to learn the difference between a delinquent offense and a status offense.

Juvenile Crime Lawyer 317-636-7514
Juvenile Crime Lawyer 317-636-7514

Status Offenses

Status offenses are special because they can only be committed by people of a certain status. This does not mean wealth or intellect; instead, it refers to age. A status offense is only illegal for those who are underage, also known as minors. A minor is someone that is not old enough to partake in a certain behavior or action.

For example, a person under 16 years of age cannot operate a vehicle, a person under the age of 18 cannot smoke or purchase cigarettes, and a person under the age of 21 cannot consume nor purchase alcohol. All three of these individuals are considered “minors”, which means they would commit a status offense if they are caught partaking in any of the actions just mentioned.

Additional Examples of Status Offenses:

✤ Truancy

✤ Curfew Violations

✤ Running Away From Home

Delinquent Offenses

Delinquent offense are different from status offenses, primarily because they are crimes that can be committed by individuals of any age. Basically, both minors and adults can commit delinquent offenses. Examples of such crimes include shoplifting, operating a vehicle without a license, drunk driving, fraud, assault, vandalism, and any other action that is against state and federal laws. Minors who commit delinquent offenses are more likely to face harsher penalties.

Most often, less serious cases will result in an informal plan of probation; but more serious offenses can lead to a minor having to go before a judge and being sentenced to a juvenile detention center. If a minor is near 18 years old and commits an egregious crime, such as murder, they may be prosecuted as an adult. Check out our recent blog, “How Does the Juvenile Court System Work?” to learn more about juvenile court.

Who to Talk to About Your Child’s Case

David E. Lewis Attorney at Law 317-636-7514
David E. Lewis Attorney at Law 317-636-7514

Call David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law, at 317-636-7514 for aggressive and experienced criminal defense in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our law firm offers free initial consultations to discuss the best strategies for defense against your child’s criminal charges. Call 317-636-7514 to schedule your consultation with a trusted Indianapolis criminal lawyer, today.

The Difference Between a Delinquent Offense and a Status Offense

A person who is 17 years old or younger is considered a minor under the law. When a minor is arrested on the suspicion of committing a crime, their offense can be placed into one of two categories: delinquent offenses or status offenses. Continue reading to learn the difference between the two types of juvenile offenses, and what to do if your kid was recently arrested on criminal charges.

Juvenile Criminal Lawyer 317-636-7514

Indianapolis Juvenile Criminal Lawyer 317-636-7514

Status Offenses

Status offenses are any crimes that can only be committed by a minor. The most common examples of status offenses include running away, truancy (skipping school), curfew violations, underage drinking, underage smoking, and underage driving.

Delinquent Offenses

In contrast to status offenses, delinquent offenses can be committing by persons of all ages and genders. Some of the most common examples of delinquent offenses in juvenile court include shoplifting, theft, battery, assault, fraud, unlicensed driving, uninsured driving, drug possession, trespassing, and vandalism.

Sentencing a Minor

If a minor commits an offense, their case will be brought forth in juvenile court. Sometimes, minors do not have to go before a judge, and instead, are entered into an alternative probation plan with the prosecuting attorney. Other times, a judge will oversee the case and hand down a sentence. Judges have the discretion to sentence minors convicted of status offenses to probation or to the Department of Corrections. They may also order a minor to complete certain orders like counseling, community service, life coach meetings, mentorship programs, or school. They can also decide to close the case.

Get Professional Legal Help

If your child or adolescent was recently arrested, it is in the best interest of your family to retain a licensed and qualified Indianapolis juvenile criminal defense lawyer who can protect your child’s rights and preserve their freedoms. Fortunately, a juvenile defendant has a lot of rights in court. Learn all of them and more from your trusted criminal defense team.

Indianapolis Juvenile Criminal Defense

David E. Lewis Attorney at Law

David E. Lewis Attorney at Law 317-636-7514

Call Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 for aggressive juvenile criminal defense in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our law firm offers free initial consultations to discuss the best strategies of defense for your case. We work around the clock to ensure your rights are protected and your freedoms are preserved. You CAN avoid the maximum penalties for your charges with our aggressive legal representation. Call 317-636-7514 to get started, today.