FAQS About Domestic Violence Arrests and Charges in Indiana

When someone is involved with domestic violence in Indiana, whether as a victim, perpetrator, or accused defendant, they may be unsure of what to expect next. In this post, we will explore the process that follows an arrest and outline the possible penalties that can be imposed. Continue below to review some relevant FAQs about domestic violence arrests and charges in Indiana.

Call 317-636-7514 To Speak With a Domestic Violence Attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Call 317-636-7514 To Speak With a Domestic Violence Attorney in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Frequently Asked Questions About Indiana Domestic Violence Laws

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in which one partner in a relationship uses power and control to harm the other partner. domestic violence can take many forms, including physical, sexual, emotional, and financial abuse. Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse or relationship abuse, is not just about violence itself; it is about power and control. domestic violence is a serious problem that can have lasting effects on victims, including children who witness domestic violence. domestic violence is preventable, and there are many resources available to help victims and their families. If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please reach out for help. There are many people who care and are ready to help. You are not alone.

What are the Different Types of Domestic Violence Charges That Can Be Made?

domestic violence is a serious problem across the United States, and Indiana is no exception. A report released in April by the Domestic Violence Network (DVN) found domestic violence-related calls made to IMPD jumped from more than 18,000 in 2019 to more than 30,000 in 2020. And according to the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV), between 2020 and 2021, there were 98 intimate partner violence-related fatalities, showing a 181% increase from the previous year.

There are a variety of different domestic abuse charges that can be made in Indiana. These include battery, strangulation, intimidation, domestic battery by means of a deadly weapon, and kidnapping. The penalties for domestic violence vary depending on the specific charge, but they can range from a misdemeanor to a felony. In some cases, a domestic violence conviction can also result in the loss of custody of children or the loss of the right to possess firearms.

What Happens After a Domestic Violence Arrest Is Made?

Once a domestic violence arrest is made, the accused will be taken into police custody and processed. This usually involves being fingerprinted and photographed and may also include a search of their personal belongings. The accused will then be placed in a holding cell until they can be brought before a judge. At this point, the judge will determine whether there is enough evidence to keep the accused in custody pending trial. If so, the accused will be remanded to jail until their trial date. If the judge decides that there is not enough evidence, the accused will be released on bail. In either case, it is important to remember that domestic violence is a serious crime and defendants should always consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney before making any decisions about their case.

How Can Victims of Domestic Violence Get Help?

If you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic violence, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. There are a number of resources available in Indiana, including domestic violence shelters and crisis lines. You can also contact the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence for more information. Remember, domestic violence is never acceptable, and help is always available.

National Domestic Violence Hotline: #800-799-7233
Hours: 24/7

How Can I Protect Myself if I Am Accused of Domestic Violence?

If you are accused of domestic violence, it is important to take the allegations seriously. Domestic abuse can have a lasting impact on the victim, and it is important to get help if you are struggling with this issue. You should contact a criminal lawyer in Indianapolis you are facing domestic violence charges. An attorney can help you understand the charges against you and provide guidance on how to best protect yourself. They can also help with restraining orders and child abuse cases.

If you are convicted of domestic violence, you may face a number of penalties, including jail time, fines, and a restraining order. You may also be required to attend counseling or treatment programs.

If you are facing domestic violence charges in Indiana, it is important to get help from an experienced Indianapolis criminal defense attorney to protect your rights. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 and schedule a free consultation to discuss the best strategies for beating or reducing your domestic abuse or disorderly conduct criminal charges.

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