What You Need to Know Before Going to Court for a Criminal Case

Going to court for a criminal case can be an intimidating experience, as the stakes are high and the outcome of your case may have serious consequences. It is important that you understand what to expect before entering the courtroom. With the help of a qualified criminal defense attorney, you can make sure that all aspects of your case are taken into consideration and that you receive fair treatment throughout the legal process.

In this blog post, we will discuss some key points to consider when going to court for a criminal case. We will cover topics such as how to find a good criminal defense lawyer, how to prepare for court proceedings, and other tips on navigating through this complex system. By equipping yourself with knowledge beforehand, you can feel confident in your ability to handle any situation during or after a trial.

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Court Lawyer in Indianapolis IN.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Criminal Court Lawyer in Indianapolis IN.

Criminal Court Tips for Defendants

Hire a Qualified Criminal Lawyer

When it comes to choosing a criminal defense attorney, it is important to do your research. A qualified attorney should be knowledgeable in all aspects of criminal law and have experience dealing with cases similar to yours. They should also be well-versed in the process of filing motions, preparing legal documents, negotiating plea deals, and representing you during court proceedings. Additionally, it is important to make sure that your attorney understands the seriousness of your charges and will work diligently on your behalf.

Prepare Yourself

Before going to court, it is wise to prepare as much as possible in order to ensure a successful outcome. Your criminal defense attorney can provide you with valuable advice on what steps to take, such as gathering evidence and witness testimonies, as well as filing motions to have evidence excluded from your case. It is also a good idea to be familiar with court procedures and understand what kind of questions you may be asked during trial.

Don’t Go About This Alone

Finally, it is important to remember that the criminal justice system can be complex and overwhelming at times. If you feel overwhelmed or confused at any point, it is important to seek help from a qualified Indiana criminal defense lawyer. With their expertise and experience, they can guide you through the process and provide you with the best possible outcome for your case.

Get Knowledgeable About the Criminal Court Process

Going to court for a criminal case can be an intimidating experience but arming yourself with knowledge beforehand can help alleviate some of that fear. By finding a qualified criminal defense lawyer, preparing for court proceedings, and seeking help when necessary, you can feel confident in your ability to handle any situation that arises during or after your trial. With the right preparation and support, you can take control of your case and pursue the outcome you desire.

Get your future and your freedoms aligned with success by protecting yourself after an arrest. Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to schedule a meeting with our experienced Indianapolis criminal defense law firm. We can hold meetings over the phone or in person at our Indy-based office.

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Types of Specialized Criminal Courts in Indiana

Indianapolis Criminal Defense 317-636-7514

Indianapolis Criminal Defense 317-636-7514

In Indiana, there are two primary types of court cases, civil and criminal. Most civil cases involve a plaintiff suing for restitution or compensation. Common examples are divorce and child custody cases. In contrast, criminal cases involve enforcing laws and seeking punishment for crimes committed. In civil cases, a person is seeking money, but in criminal cases, the party pressing charges is seeking punishment.

The government, or state, is generally the party that brings criminal charges against a person. Once this happens, the person will go to court to stand trial on the charges. There are three main categories of criminal court, all of which deal with different types of criminal cases. Continue reading to learn about the types of specialized criminal courts in Indiana.

Indiana Criminal Courts

The three main types of specialized criminal courts include major felony, misdemeanor, and juvenile court. Each court system deals with the specific charges and penalties under their category. However, this can also depend on the county in which your crimes originated. And in some cases, minors are tried as adults in felony or misdemeanor court if their crimes are severe. Take a closer look at each type of specialized court system in Indiana:

Felony Court – If a person is charged with a major felony, they will stand trial in an Indiana felony court. A major felony can be anywhere between a Level 5 and a Level 2 felony crime, as well as, murder. However, a major felony may be considered any level felony depending on the county in which the crimes originated. A felony is any crime that is punishable by 1 year or more in jail. For example, if Jack stole a car, he would be arrested for suspicion of car theft. Next, the state would bring felony theft charges against him and then he would go to felony court to stand trial.

Misdemeanor Court – Misdemeanors are lesser offenses than felonies. A misdemeanor is any crime that is punishable by up to 1 year in jail. Common examples of misdemeanor crimes include shoplifting, public intoxication, driving with a suspended license, and so on. Misdemeanors are classified into three classes, from A to C, depending on the severity of the crime and criminal history. The most serious is a “Class A” misdemeanor. If a person is charged with a misdemeanor, they will stand trial in an Indiana misdemeanor court.

Juvenile Court – If a person is charged with a crime, and they are under 17 years old, they will generally stand trial in an Indiana juvenile court. In the case that a crime is a typical juvenile offense, such as trespassing or petty theft, they will remain in the juvenile court system. However, in the case that the crime committed is a serious or egregious offense, minors may be tried as adults in felony court. It largely depends on the state in which the crimes originated.

Indianapolis Criminal Defense Lawyer

David E. Lewis Criminal Defense Attorney

David E. Lewis Attorney at Law 317-636-7514

Call David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law, at 317-636-7514 when you need an Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer that stops at nothing to protect your rights and preserve your freedoms. With extensive trial and litigation experience, and a drive that never stops, Attorney David E. Lewis will build a strong defense and impactful defense against your Indiana criminal charges. Call 317-636-7514 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Indianapolis, IN.