5 Tips for Preparing to be a Trial Witness

Being called to be a trial witness can be an intimidating experience. As the witness, you are expected to provide accurate and relevant testimony that is crucial to the outcome of a trial. It’s important to understand your role as a witness and prepare accordingly in order to present yourself accurately on the stand.

Here we will discuss five tips for preparing to be a trial witness: understanding your role, researching criminal law, knowing what questions you may face, learning how prosecutors think, and consulting with an experienced criminal lawyer. With these tips in mind, you can ensure that your testimony is effective and make sure justice is served!

Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Trial Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana.
Call 317-636-7514 to Speak With a Trial Attorney in Indianapolis Indiana.

How to Be a Good Trial Witness

1. Understanding Your Role: As a trial witness, you are expected to provide accurate and relevant testimony that is pertinent to the case. You should make sure you understand your role as a witness before entering the courtroom and be aware of what information is necessary for the proceedings.

2. Researching Criminal Law: Trial witnesses are expected to have knowledge of criminal law. For this reason, it’s important to research criminal law before entering the courtroom. This can help you understand the legal process and make sure that your testimony is accurate and relevant.

3. Knowing What Questions You May Face: Trial witnesses may be asked a variety of questions pertaining to the case. It’s important to be prepared for these questions and understand the potential implications of your answers.

4. Learning How Prosecutors Think: Trial witnesses need to have an understanding of how prosecutors think in order to present their testimony effectively. It’s helpful to familiarize yourself with prosecutorial strategies before entering the courtroom so you can better anticipate what questions you may face.

5. Consulting With an Experienced Criminal Lawyer: Trial witnesses should consult with an experienced criminal lawyer before entering the courtroom. A lawyer can provide you with legal advice and prepare you for the potential questions that may be asked of you during your testimony.

Talk to a Criminal Lawyer in Indianapolis for More Trial Advice

By following these five tips, trial witnesses can ensure that their testimony is effective and make sure justice is served. Trial witnesses should understand their role, research criminal law, know what questions they may face, learn how prosecutors think, and consult with an experienced criminal lawyer in order to present themselves accurately on the stand. By prepping ahead of time, trial witnesses can better represent themselves and help bring about a just outcome. Speak to a criminal lawyer in Indianapolis for further trial guidance and assistance.

Are you ready to beat or reduce your current criminal charges in Indiana? Contact Attorney David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to speak with a seasoned criminal defense lawyer in Indianapolis, Indiana. Our law firm will get you the best possible outcome to your criminal case!

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FAQS About Being a Witness in a Criminal Case

Criminal cases at any level are serious, as they can significantly alter the course of your life and negatively impact your pursuit of happiness. For this reason, it is important to be prepared for your criminal case by retaining a skilled defense lawyer, especially if you must testify or have witnesses at your trial. Even if you have been subpoenaed to testify in another person’s criminal case, it is wise to be prepared, as court hearings are very serious matters.

Whether testifying at another’s trial or your own, continue below to review some frequently asked questions about being a witness in a criminal case, and who to trust for aggressive criminal defense that can preserve your rights and freedoms.

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Indianapolis Indiana Criminal Defense 317-636-7514

Frequently Asked Questions About Trial Testimonies  

What To Do After Receiving a Subpoena

If you were subpoenaed to be a witness at another defendant’s criminal case, be sure to take it seriously by responding according to instructions and within the allotted time period. Although subpoenas are usually prepared by the lawyers, a judge can be offended and provoked if you ignore one. As a result, the judge can take a personal interest in you and pursue penal action. The first thing to do upon receiving a subpoena is to contact a lawyer. If you already work with a lawyer or have worked with a trusted one in the past, contact them and inform them of the subpoena.

How Can I Be a Good Trial Witness?

First and foremost, always be honest. Perjury is a felony, so be sure your testimony is truthful, intelligent, and non-misleading. If you are caught lying, you can face criminal charges for perjury. Furthermore, dress business casual, be on time, and maintain a calm and polite composure. Avoid using bad or offensive language, and only speak when spoken to. If you are testifying at your own trial, always take your lawyers advice and follow their instructions.

Can a Child Be a Witness in a Criminal Case?

In the case that you have witnesses at your trial, whether in support of proving your innocence or guilt, there is a possibility that it can be a child or juvenile minor. Each state has their own laws regarding child witnesses, including age requirements. From these varying laws, the common denominator is that every witness, regardless of age, must be competent and able to testify at trial. This same prerequisite applies to children. A child must be deemed to have sufficient intelligence, be able to remember and describe events, answer questions clearly, and know the difference between truth and lies.

Can I Get Immunity For Being a Witness?

Immunity is basically a “hall pass” or “get out of jail free card” for a person who is charged with or suspected of a minor crime. In exchange for vital information and testimony that will help prosecute a more high-profile criminal, a prosecutor will not move forward with charging a suspect. But, not every is offered immunity. Immunity is typically reserved for more high-profile cases and long-standing investigations. Common cases that might involve an offer of immunity include crime bosses, drug traffickers, smugglers/black-marketers, white collar fraud, sex trafficking, and similar serious crime enterprises.

Can I Be a Witness in My Own Criminal Case?

Although most criminal lawyers will recommend that you do not testify at your trial, there are times when a defendant’s personal testimony can be a good strategy for the defense. If this is the case for your own trial, there are some rules to follow. In addition to being honest with the courts and opposing lawyers during your testimony, it is equally important to do the same with your own criminal defense lawyer. They must know everything in order to build an impenetrable defense against your criminal charges. They cannot do their best to protect your interests if you are not entirely forthcoming with them about the information you have on case details.

Are you looking for an experienced and aggressive defense lawyer who won’t let you be subjected to the maximum penalties for your Indiana criminal charges? Contact the Law Office of David E. Lewis at 317-636-7514 to connect with one of our esteemed criminal defense attorneys in Indianapolis, Indiana. We can meet over the phone, via online video conference, or in person at our office.

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The Top Three Rules for Testifying in Court
The Importance of Witness Depositions in a Criminal Case
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How to Be a Good Witness in Your Own Criminal Case

Although most criminal lawyers will recommend that you do not testify at your trial, there are times when a defendant’s personal testimony can be a good strategy for the defense. If you are asked to testify as a witness in your criminal case, or even in someone else’s, be sure you take the time to fully prepare. Start by learning how to be a good witness in your own criminal case to avoid incriminating yourself further or damaging the strength of your defense.

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Indianapolis IN Criminal Defense Law Firm 317-636-7514

What TO DO and NOT TO DO as a Witness


Understand that subpoenas are serious matters that need to be dealt with in a timely fashion. After all, subpoenas are forced and mandatory court orders, and ignoring one can put you in further trouble with the law.

Be forthcoming during your testimony. Although you should not openly divulge every minute detail of your account of the case, you do need to answer all questions professionally, intelligently, and honestly; otherwise, you might face serious felony charges for perjury and contempt of court.

In addition to being honest with the courts and opposing lawyers during your testimony, it is equally important to do the same with your own criminal defense lawyer. They must know everything in order to build an impenetrable defense against your criminal charges.

Remain openly available to speak and meet with your criminal defense attorney. Your case is important, and if you want to avoid jail and the maximum penalties for your charges, be sure you are staying in touch with your lawyer when they need to contact you.

Take your lawyers advice, no matter your circumstances. Your criminal defense attorney knows what it takes to place yourself in the best possible position in front of the courts. If they tell you to do something, or avoid something, it is vital that you obey.

Dress yourself in comfortable, but professional attire for the big day. You might be in the court room for long hours, so you want to be comfortable in order to remain relaxed and focused. Just be sure you are not dressed too comfortably; dress professionally, like you are attending church or a job interview.


Guess or Lie – Be honest at all times. State the facts.

Help – Only answer the question. Do not give additional, unrequested information.

Fail to Appear or Be Late – Never miss a court date and arrive on time.

Joke Around – Being funny or charming is not recommended.

Answer Confusing Questions – Only answer questions you fully understand.

Are you in need of reliable criminal defense in Indiana? Contact David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law, at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free consultation, today. He will protect your rights and preserve your freedoms!

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Indianapolis Criminal Defense 317-636-7514
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