DUI Felony
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A drunk driving charge is always serious, but pair it with aggravated offenses or prior convictions, and you have a DUI felony on your hands. These types of DUI charges can be very difficult on you and your family, and create a troubling ripple effect on your life and future. Not only do you face jail time, you can lose your driving privileges, child custody, student aid benefits, employment, and more. It is critical to have the guidance and knowledge of a skilled criminal lawyer on your team to prevent your constitutional rights from being violated.
David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law, will instantly begin building a strong aggressive defense on your behalf,in order to preserve your freedoms and obtain a better-quality outcome in court. Call his office today at 317-636-7514 to schedule a free consultation to evaluate your case.

Have You Been Charged With a DUI Felony Offense in Indiana?
CALL 317-636-7514 RIGHT NOW!

Second DUI offenses, third DUI offenses, and multiple DUI offenses are classified as various Levels of Felonies in Indiana. But with the help of Attorney David E. Lewis, you have a much stronger shot at getting your charges reduced, or entering into an alternative sentencing agreement. Don’t risk your future and quality of life by hiring any DUI attorney. Trust only David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law, to fight for your rights and protect you from over-penalization.

You Can Face Felony DUI Charges if...
Felony DUI Offenses in Indiana:
Take note: It is possible to be charged with multiple felonies for one drunk driving incident. Be sure to obtain tough and proficient legal counsel to protect your rights and get the fairest quality outcome in court. Call David E. Lewis, Attorney at law, at 317-636-7514 for a FREE CASE EVALUATION today.

Our Genuine Pledge to Our Clients:

Our Law Firm Vows to...

Respect All Clients & Never Pass Judgement
Build a Custom Defense for Each Individual Client
Preserve Clients’ Freedoms & Protect their Rights
Keep Clients Fully-Informed at All Times
Never Give Up or Back Down

Arrested? Charged with a Crime? Need help?
Start with our FREE case evaluation.

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Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

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