Indiana Meth amphetamine Charges and Criminal Defense
When it comes to meth amphetamine charges, it is critical to choose the right defense attorney to preserve and protect your rights. David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law, provides a level of defense that few other firms can match. He will build a strong argument for your case to gain a more promising outcome for you and your future. Whether arrested for meth possession or trafficking, our law firm has the drive and determination necessary to reduce charges, dismiss cases, or enter into an alternative sentencing agreements. Our legal teams will stop at nothing to win a more successful outcome in court. We work hard to protect our client’s well-being, future, and good name.
We don’t just want to see our clients excel in court, we also want to see them excel in life by giving them the resources needed to rebuild their lives after a meth charge or addiction. David E. Lewis is your number one advocate through this difficult and anxious time. We treat all clients with an unparalleled level of respect, supporting them from beginning to the end of their all legal matters. Call our office today at 317-636-7514 and schedule a free consultation to Have Your Case Evaluated by David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law.
Possession w/Intent to Distribute
Trafficking / Dealing
Mistakes in Case Facts
Constructive Possession
Lack of Intent / Knowledge
InfancyAge 16 & Under
Have You Been Charged With a Meth Amphetamine Offense in Indiana?
CALL 317-636-7514 RIGHT NOW!Common Meth Offenses
PossessionPossession w/Intent to Distribute
Trafficking / Dealing
Possible Meth Defenses
Illegal Search & SeizureMistakes in Case Facts
Constructive Possession
Lack of Intent / Knowledge
InfancyAge 16 & Under