Sex Offender Registration
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Indiana Sex Offender Registration

Anyone found guilty of a sex crime in Indiana will have to register as a convicted “sex offender” in a national registry for sex crimes. This registry is free and open to the public. Anytime a background check is performed, whether by an employer, first-date, or landlord, this information will appear. It is a lifelong obligation that affects several aspects of a person’s life, including where they can go, where they can live, where they can work, and what people, both loved ones and strangers, think about them. It is a harsh penalty that never stops punishing.

In order to avoid a sex crime conviction and subsequent alienation, you must retain the services of an experienced and aggressive sex offender lawyer immediately following an arrest or investigation. This is the most critical step in the defense process. Call David E. Lewis, Attorney at Law, for tough and competent criminal defense against sex crime allegations. With his help, you have a realistic chance at reducing or dismissing your charges. Call him today at 317-636-7514 to learn your rights and take back your dignity.

If a person charged with a sex crime does not follow Indiana sex offender registry laws, they are subject to additional criminal charges and legal penalties. Call The Law Office of David E. Lewis if you were convicted of a sex crime in Indiana and failed to register in time. Whether you neglected to register, made a registry mistake, or simply forgot, Attorney David E. Lewis can get your penalties reduced, and make the process of re-registration fast and hassle-free. Call his office today at 317-636-7514 for information about sex offender registration and legal representation you can trust.

The Indiana Department of Correction Sex and Violent Offender Registry:
Phone: (317) 232-1232
Fax: (317) 234-1953
Indiana Department of Correction
Attn: Indiana Sex and Violent Offender Registry
302 W. Washington St.
Indiana Government Center South, W341
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2038

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